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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 365


Chapter 365 

Agnes’s top priority was to hit up Mamie’s room. 

Agnes had woken up several times during the night. She was constantly feeling like her heart was in her throat. She couldn’t comprehend why, but something about yesterday’s events felt off. She couldn’t shake the worry that something was going down. 

The entire Celestial Skyline Hotel only had two presidential suites. One was Agnes’s cnb, the other was Mamie’s. 

But these two rooms weren’t exactly next door neighbors. There was a long-ass hallway you had to navigate first. 

When Agnes finally made it to Mamie’s room, she saw that the door was ajar 

She saw Ivan stepping out from inside. This wasn’t weird per se Ivan was Mamie’s brother. He was the one who took Mamie away yesterday. 

But what was weird was that ban was still sporting yesterday’s clothes. And when he saw Agnes, his normally calm-as-a-pond eyes seemed to flicker with panic. 

Ivan was always dressed to the nines and meticulous as hell. But today, he looked like he had just rolled out of bed. Although he didn’t look disheveled, he gave off 

a more down to earth vibe 

But Agnes still felt like something wasn’t kosher. 

When Ivan saw Agnes standing at the door, he seemed to freeze. 

Without missing a beat, Agnes asked, “Did you crash here last night?” 

Ivan, who hadn’t taken a sip of anything, looked like he was choking. He coughed lightly, 

“Morning. Agnes. Here for Mamie? She’s still in bed. I have things to attend to. Excuse me.” With that, he gave a brief smile and left swiftly 

Agnes felt puzzled, today’s behavior wasn’t typical of Ivan. 

Upon entering Mamie’s room, Agnes saw Mamie seemingly asleep. Her hair spread out beautifully across the pillow and an arm peeked out from the covers. Yet, despite her serene appearance, Mamie’s eyes were open, staring blankly at the ceiling, revealing a deep sadness. 

Yet, in that moment, Mamie’s beauty was undeniable. 

Looking at her, Agnes felt like she was seeing Sleeping Beauty just waking up from a long slumber. She was both confused and shocked… 

Agnes was now by the bedside, but Mamie remained unresponsive. She didn’t even blink. 

Seeing her like this, Agnes grew more worried “Mamie, what the hell happened? Don’t freak me out 


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