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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 433


Chapter 433 

Agnes lifted her head, staring straight into Jared’s eyes with resolve. There’s a choice to be made, Jared. It’s either your sister or our marriage. If you choose me, you’ll have to cut all ties with Alyssa, never see her again. Even if our relationship with her reaches a point of no return, you can’t step in. Can you do that?” 

Jared’s face didn’t change

But Agnes noticed his eyes becoming complex when she mentioned cutting ties with Alyssa

Jared just stood there, silent

Their eyes met, with the only sound in the room being the ticking of the clock hanging on the wall

Agnes already knew the answer

She despised Alyssa, considered her an unforgivable sinner

But for Jared, Alyssa was the most cherished relative

Agnes knew Jared wouldn’t agree, which was why she made such a proposition

Jared remained silent, not uttering a word

Finally, Agnes gave a soft chuckle. I don’t want to put you in a tough spot. So, parting ways is the best option, right? I don’t want to leave you torn between me and your sister.” 

Jared’s voice turned cold. Are you sayingyou want a divorce, for my sake?” 

A smile appeared on Agnes’s face. You can take it that way. You’re a smart man, you know our relationship is beyond repair. I can’t stand my hatred for her, and you can’t cut ties with her. That’s the harsh reality. It’s like fate is playing tricks on us. You’re strong, but fate is stronger.” 

Agnes said calmly, Jared, this is between me and Alyssa. Unfortunately, it has affected your marriage. I’m sorry, but I won’t project my hatred for her onto you. At least not now. Our love shouldn’t be worn down to nothing by time. So, let’s part on good terms.” 

Jared looked at the woman in front of him, her composure unsettling

She said it affected his marriage, and she was sorry, as if she was an outsider

But wasn’t his marriage also hers

Agnes, if you want to blame someone, blame me. I won’t divorce you.” 

Jared said this with firm conviction, word by word

Jared moved closer to Agnes, close enough to hear each other’s breath. Agnes, I’ll never divorce in this lifetime. If you want us to torture each other, let it be a lifetime. If you’re in hell, I’m willing to go with you. Because a world without you is hell to me.” 

Agnes was almost shocked

But looking into Jared’s eyes, she saw not only pain but also deep tenderness

Agnes didn’t understand how Jared could say such things.” 

But all she felt was a heartwrenching sorrow about to burst

Agnes pushed Jared away. If you’re looking for trouble, be my guest.” 

With that, Agnes left the room


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