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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 444

Chapter 444 

Laura was puzzled

Everyone was staring at the door

A lean figure slowly walked in

Everyone knew the person who came in

Surprisingly, it was the chairman’s eldest daughter, Agnes

Upon seeing Agnes, Laura’s smile vanished in an instant.. 

Beatrice didn’t even react in time

She walked over and said, Agnes, what are you doing here? This is the shareholdersmeeting of Starlight International Group. What right do you have to be here?” 

Ivan calmly chimed in, She has more right than anyone else, because she will be the next chairman of Starlight International Group.” 

Beatrice was stunned

She couldn’t believe what she heard, Agnes will be the chairman of Starlight International Group? How is that possible?” 

But Laura had already runhundreds of scenarios through her mind

She never expected that the shares she sold would eventually end up in Agneshands

Agnes walked in without any expression

She sat down in the main seat and said, Let’s start the meeting!” 

Beatrice, fuming with rage, pointed at Agnes and yelled, How can she be the chairman of Starlight International Group? I disagree, I absolutely disagree.” 

She would have sold Starlight International Group to anyone but Agnes

Today was the final signing

If the contract was signed, it would be a complete handover

Starlight International Group would have nothing to do with them and would completely belong to Agnes

Laura didn’t pay attention to Beatrice, she sat down in her own seat and said, Agnes, I just can’t figure out how, with your own power, you managed to create Nova 

Media and how you had the financial strength to acquire Starlight International Group?” 

That’s not something you need to worry about,” 

Agnes said, all businesslike

Laura couldn’t hold back her anger, Agnes, if you had the ability and financial power to save Starlight International Group, why did you watch it fail step by step and then buy it? In the end, you just wanted my shares. I didn’t expect you to be so calculating, we were completely cheated by you.” 

Agnes retorted coldly, You don’t have to play innocent here. If you are reluctant to let go of the shares of Starlight International Group, it’s not too late to regret. But you know that after today, the shares will be worthless.” 

Beatrice rushed forward, Mom, we can’t fall into Agnestrap. We still have a chance. We can’t let her swallow the huge Starlight International Group alone. We won’t sign, let’s go.” 

The thought of Agnes becoming the chairman of Starlight International Group was like a thorn in Beatrice’s heart

Why should Agnes get it

But Laura was still rational

Agnes was right


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