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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 5



Jenny’s coldness shocked Agnes, and her tone turned chilly, So, you’re not going to forgive me? Agnes, you already have so much. Why are you trying to steal Elton from me? You just don’t want me to be happy, do you?” 

Agnes was speechless, baffled by Jenny’s logic. It was Jenny who had butted into her relationship with Elton first

However, now Jenny was saying that she didn’t want her to be happy

Agnes said, There’s nothing left for us to talk about. I have to work; you go do your thing” 

Just as Agnes was about to turn around and leave, Jenny grabbed her arm, Agnes, let me tell you one more thing” 

What are you doing?” 

Suddenly, a tall figure appeared in the doorway. Elton had walked over, his face full of unhidden anger, Jenny, how many times have I told you, stop bothering Agnes.Jenny immediately put on a pitiful face, I came to ask her for forgiveness. I’ve been begging her. It was all my fault. It has nothing to do with you.” 

Agnes never expected Jenny to be such a great actress

Elton’s gaze at Jenny obviously softened a lot. He turned to Agnes and said, Agnes, my father is being discharged from the hospital today. Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight? You might be angry with me but wouldn’t be mad with my parents, right? They miss you a lot.” 

The Pritchard family and the Taylor family were old acquaintances. Agnes spent almost half of her childhood at the Taylor’s. Elton’s parents, Hancock and Sarah, truly treated Agnes like their own

Agnes asked, When was Mr. Taylor hospitalized?” 

Seeing Agnesreaction, Elton felt hopeful, It’s the same old problem. He had a heart bypass surgery this time. He was talking about you this morning, saying he hadn’t seen you in a while.” 

As Agnes was hesitating, Jenny couldn’t help herself. She blurted out, What about me? Elton, what am I supposed to do if she goes?” 

Tonight, at the Taylor family dinner, she knew Elton would come to find Agnes. That’s why she came here early. If Agnes went and was warmly welcomed by Elton’s parents, she could soften and reconcile with Elton

Then everything she had done would be in vain. She couldn’t let them get back together

Elton hadn’t expected the usually softspoken Jenny to disrupt him suddenly. His face turned cold instantly. He said, What does this have to do with you? Stop making a scene here.” 

Elton’s hint was very clear

Jenny said, I didn’t want to, butI’m pregnant.” 

When she said this, everyone present was shocked

Jenny seemed to have become a different person compared to who she was moments ago. She took out a stack of papers from her bag, This is my ultrasound report.Agnes saw that it said six weeks pregnant. She said, Six weeks, isn’t that just over forty days?” 

But it had been three months since that night

A smile appeared on the corner of Jenny’s mouth. Her gaze was fixed on Agnesface, Yes, we had sex afterwards. Many times.” 

Elton pushed Jenny away in anger, Jenny, shut up.” 


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