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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 521

Chapter 521 

Agnes had been knocking for a while, but no one was answering the door

Where was her grandmother

Agnes, quit knocking Your grandma moved out half a month ago ” 

Hearing the voice, Agnes turned around, surprised, Mariela?” 

Sure enough, it was Mariela 

Coming over, Manela said, Haven’t seen you in four years. Never heard from you after you divorced the heir of the Whitfield family. Where’ve you been?” 

Agnes forced a smile and said, I relocated another place.” 

Agnes was vague about her whereabouts 

But Mariela looked like she’d just solved a puzzle, I thought so! Agnes, I’m so envious of you. You’ve got all that dough, you don’t have to put up with anyone’s crap even after divorce, you can just start fresh somewhere elseMeanwhile, I’m stuck in this rundown country place, penniless, after my own divorce.” 

Agnes raised an eyebrow, You were married?” 

Manela sighed, Forget it, let’s not go there. I must’ve been blind, married a total jerk.” 

Manela didn’t want to elaborate

A lot must’ve happened in the past four years

But right now, Agnes was mainly concerned about her grandmother

She quickly asked, Mariela, do you know where my grandma went?” 

Mariela replied, Your grandma, she was picked up by Mr. Whitfield.” 

Agnes felt a pang of anxiety

Jared Whitfield

Manela continued, I saw it with my own eyes, Mr. Whitfield came to pick her up himself half a month ago. Your grandma went with him.” 

Agnes felt a chill in her heart

Why did Jared take her grandmother

Mariela tentatively asked, You’ve been divorced from Mr. Whitfield for a while now, he suddenly takes your grandmaDoes he have some ulterior motive?This was exactly what Agnes was worried about

Why did Jared take her grandmother, especially half a month ago

Jared seemed to really hate her when he saw her yesterday

Would he do anything harmful to her grandmother

Jared wouldn’t harm an old woman, would he


But Agnes was uncertain now

The Jared from before would never, but what about now

After all, they’d been divorced for four years


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