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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 579

Chapter 579 

Agnes was caught off guard by this, but at the same time, it kinda made sense

To anyone’s eyes, Jared and Valeria were a match made in heaven

Partners in the business world and lovers in life

Back in the day when Agnes was with Jared, divorce rumors would pop up now and then

As for the reason? Incompatible family backgrounds and social status

Agnes still remembers a particularly popular relationship tweet predicting their divorce within two years

That tweet got tons of attention and was shared like crazy

One part of it read, A good marriage is when two people match in life experiences, social circles, values, etc. When I’m by your side, I can conquer the world with you, and without you, I can still do just fine on my own. However, Mr. Whitfield’s love for Ms. Agnes is nothing but overindulgence. That’s not fair love. The best love should be equal.” 

When Agnes saw that tweet, she made Jared read it too

Agnes said anxiously, I think there’s a point there. Am I too dependent on you, Jared? Don’t be too nice to me anymore. I’m scared that if I leave you, I won’t be able to survive.” 

Jared pinned her down, pinched her face, and answered, Leave me? Where do you think you’re going, Agnes? I’m telling you, you’re not getting away from me in this lifetime.” 

Back then, Agnes really thought they would never part

Turns out, that tweet prediction came true

Cilian finally broke his silence, Everyone has a past. I can understand you guys, but let’s not dig up old stuff. Since both of you have started new lives, just let the past be past.” 

Cilian raised his glass, everyone else followed suit

Agne’s didn’t expect Cilian to be so openminded

Originally, Agnes thought that once her relationship with Jared was revealed, Cilian would definitely oppose Ryder having any contact with her

Turns out, he’s pretty chill

He was a bit surprised at first but then acted like nothing had happened

On the other hand, Kevin was having a blast watching the drama

Just when it seemed like things were about to calm down, he suddenly asked Ryder, Ryder, Valeria’s engagement party is all set. I think you guys should get yours set up too, to avoid any problems from dragging it out. I have a suggestion, why not consider having your engagement on the same day as Valeria’s? Double happiness, sounds pretty good right?” 

The same old Kevin, always stirring the pot

Just when things were about to wrap up, he stirred up a new drama


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