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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 581

Chapter 581

Jared was slumped on the couch, looking like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders

His eyes were restless, darting around

Valeria frowned, Look, I know you’re in a bad mood, but could you stop balling up your fists? I don’t want to bandage up your hands again.Ryder strolled in. Uncle,he called

Jared finally looked up, but he was giving Ryder the stink eye

How’s your hand?Ryder’s tone was icy

Valeria moved to Ryder’s side, tugged at his arm and murmured, Now’s not the time to talk to him, you know full well” 

Valeria,” Ryder interrupted, I need to have a word with my uncle. Could you give us a moment?” 

Valeria glanced at Jared, hesitated, then finally left the room

She didn’t close the door, and didn’t stray too far

Jared was like a wild beast on the brink of lashing out, and Valeria was clearly still worried

Ryder stood beside Jared, calmly saying, You must have some questions I’m here to clear the air. I’ll answer everything truthfully.Jared finally lifted his head, his gaze icy and stern

Why didn’t you tell me?Jared blurted out

It might be confusing to others, but they both knew what he meant

Ryder said, Are you pissed that I knew about Agnes and didn’t tell you? I did it on purpose. I didn’t want you barging into Agneslife.” 

Jared scoffed, Me barging into her life? I think you’re watching your own back

Ryder admitted coolly, Of course I’m watching my back. I’ve had feelings for Agnes since college. My feelings for her are just as real as yours, but I was one stepping late. You once told me not to make the same mistake twice. So, this time, I’m getting a head start.” 

Ryder’s tone was even

Jared, however, couldn’t hold back anymore. He shot up in anger, grabbed Ryder by the collar and spat, A head start, huh? Do you even see me as your uncle anymore, Ryder? Do you have any idea what hell I’ve been through these past four years? Do you know how much energy I’ve poured into searching for her? And you stabbed me in the back when I was at my lowest. And you still call me uncle, after everything I’ve done for you!” 


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