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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 600

Jared snapped out of it, deliberately wiped the smile off his face, and lightly tapped the kid on the forehead. "You should lighten up, kiddo. You're too young to act all grown-up."

The kid retorted, "Sir, it's just my mature mindset. And judging people by appearances isn't cool."

Jared was left speechless by a kid.

Was this kid really not from another timeline?

Jared even suspected that the kid's body and soul were two different entities.

With work still to handle, Jared told the kid, "I have to hit the books. You play around for a bit, then hit the hay, okay?"

"I just woke up and don't feel like snoozing this early. Can I go to your study and read?"

Jared chuckled, "But I don't have any fairy tales here."

"I never read fairy tales. Just give me 'A Brief History of Time'."

Jared thought the kid was pulling his leg.

After all, a four-year-old reading 'A Brief History of Time' was way over the top.

But to his surprise, the kid not only read 'A Brief History of Time' but also 'On the Origin of Species' and 'Black Holes and Time Warps'.

Jared considered himself a pretty focused worker.

But he found himself distracted tonight.

Not because the kid was making a ruckus in the study.

On the contrary, the kid was dead quiet.

He sat on the sofa, not making a peep, just reading.

But Jared kept stealing glances at him.

Curious as to how a four-year-old could possibly understand those books.

A typical four-year-old didn’t even know many words.

But then he remembered the kid hacking into the company's system and causing a total blackout in Manhattan, and it didn't seem so far-fetched.

Now, Jared was more inclined to agree with Mr. K. This kid was a total whiz kid.


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