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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 618

Agnes was planning to play the long game.

First, she'd snatch Nocturne from Jared.

Then, she'd retreat back to Manhattan and live incognito.

She was certain Jared wouldn't be able to find her.

And if it came down to a court battle, Agnes wasn't scared.

She and Jared had divorced before Nocturne was even born, and Nocturne had grown up with her. There was no way the judge would award custody to Jared.

What Agnes was worried about was Jared playing dirty, and the law not being able to stop him.

Agnes said, "Jared, I think we need to calm down and talk this out."

"I'm calm, Agnes. Spit it out."

Agnes looked at Jared, his mood as icy as a snowman.

Agnes collected her thoughts, saying, "Nocturne can't be without me. You should know this after having him with you for so long. He has congenital neurasthenia. I've been treating him for years. No one knows his condition better than me, and no one can take care of him better than me. If you really care about Nocturne, you can't take him away from me, Jared."

Agnes was telling the truth.

She had become a pro at taking care of the sick after all these years.

Nocturne couldn't live without her care.

More importantly, she couldn't live without Nocturne.


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