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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 643

Agnes had grown accustomed to holding back her tears.

But the sight of the bowl of noodle soup in front of her, stirred something deep within her.

She crumbled.

Agnes let her tears flow freely, then she started to eat it.

They were her favorite, chicken noodle soup.

A taste she hadn't indulged in four years, yet hadn't changed a bit.

Agnes often joked that Jared was a chef masquerading as a CEO.

He was a natural talent, excelling in everything he did, even in the kitchen.

Agnes managed to finish the whole bowl of noodle soup.

Her stomach felt warm and oddly comforting, despite the pain that still lingered in her heart.

The most innocent in all of this was Jared, and Agnes knew she had hurt him deeply.

His transformation into a spiteful, womanizing man was likely the result of his broken heart.

But life had a cruel sense of humor.

Neither of them was at fault; they just couldn't be together.

That was the case four years ago, and it still held true.

Agnes couldn't comprehend why Jared had made her this bowl of soup.

It left her feeling more vulnerable than ever.

Her once impenetrable armor felt shattered, but she couldn't afford to show any weakness.

The next day was Christmas.

In a fitting turn of events, the city saw its first snowfall of the year.

From his office in the Tim Tower, Jared looked out at the snow-covered city.


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