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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 777

Jared smiled. "I'm just a businessman, not in the charity game. But I can't just sit back and do nothing when it’s concerning you. I do these good deeds for you, not because I'm inherently kind."

Agnes leaned in and kissed Jared's lips. "Mr. Whitfield, could you please do more of these good deeds for my sake?"

Jared rubbed the spot Agnes had kissed, then replied, "Sure, but I expect something in return."

"What is it?" Agnes asked innocently.

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Jared said, "You'll find out tonight."

But the reward Jared was expecting didn't come that night. Late into the evening, Agnes was tied up in her study, working on the article. She detailed the story of the Fabians, including their deep connection with stray animals.

By the time Agnes finished, it was two in the morning.

Agnes used her connections at the TV station to post the article directly on the online version of the local news. After sending it out, she let out a sigh of relief and headed to bed. By this time, Jared was fast asleep.

Agnes tiptoed over to the bed, slid under the covers and lay down.

Just as she did, Jared pulled her close, holding her in his arms.

Agnes looked up at him and asked, "You're still awake?"

Jared's voice was heavy with sleep. "I haven't received my reward yet. I can't sleep."

Agnes chuckled. He was barely able to keep his eyes open.

She leaned in and kissed Jared on his lips. "That's a down payment. You'll get the rest in installments."

Jared was very satisfied with her response. "You'll have to keep paying for a lifetime, or I'll accuse you of absconding with the money."

"Alright. Go to sleep," Agnes whispered.

She snuggled up to Jared, and they both drifted off into a deep sleep.


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