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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 823

Jared couldn't shake the suspicion that Agnes had been faking her drunkenness last night.

Waking up the next morning with a splitting headache, Agnes found her memories of the evening were patchy at best, leaving her with a disconcerting blank space where last night's events should have been.

After freshening up, she made her way down to the breakfast nook, only to be met by Jared's piercing gaze from the moment she entered the room.

Agnes shot him a casual glance and settled into her chair, taking a sip of her milk. "What's got you looking so sour this morning?"

"Agnes, you still owe me a reasonable explanation," Jared prodded.

A flicker of guilt passed over her as she asked knowingly, "What explanation?"

"What exactly did you get up to last night?" he pressed.

Agnes countered, feigning ignorance, "What do you mean? I just had an interview, grabbed dinner, and came home."

Jared scoffed, "You seriously don't remember how you got home last night?"

Truthfully, Agnes didn't remember. But the more serious Jared's expression became, the guiltier she felt inside.

She hadn't told Jared about her interview with Ryder, which in itself wasn't a problem. The issue was that she had also gone out for drinks with Ryder afterward without giving Jared a heads-up.

Agnes had thought it was no big deal. She did have a few drinks last night but had completely blanked on the rest of the evening. She assumed she had woken up at home because a colleague must have called Jared to pick her up. After all, their relationship was common knowledge at this point, and she had indeed woken up in her own bedroom.

But could it be that something else had happened after she blacked out?


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