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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 852

What on Earth was wrong with him? Why was he treating her with such cold indifference?

Agnes didn't want to link Jared's change in behavior to Valeria. But, as a woman, she couldn't help but make that connection.

Valeria, a former high-flyer at Thomas Group, shared a bond with Jared that seemed to transcend mere friendship.

Agnes even knew about the vineyard in France where Jared held a fifty percent stake. It was this "special" relationship that always left Agnes feeling threatened.

Maybe it was just a woman's intuition. Valeria was accomplished, and she seemed so carefree.

But really, what woman would willingly share a midnight glass of red wine with a man if there wasn't a flicker of romance in her heart?

Agnes felt herself reverting back to her old, irrational self.

Why was she allowing these thoughts to torment her? Why was she consumed by such insecurity? Despite her attempts, she couldn't shake them off. She stood there, awash in feelings of dejection.

Then Jared circled back.

He grabbed a sandwich on the go and said, “I'll eat this on the road.” Glancing at Agnes, he added, “I'm off.”

Suddenly, the gloom seemed to lift from Agnes' mood. She considered maybe she was overthinking things, that perhaps Jared was just weighed down with work recently. And with Valeria being his top collaborator, their late-night working sessions were likely just necessary and natural.

With this reasoning, Agnes tried to comfort herself, then she forced herself not to dwell on it anymore.

Agnes headed to the TV station, finishing her work early.

At lunchtime, on a whim, she decided to have lunch with Jared.

In the past, it was routine for her to bring lunch to Jared every day. But since she started working at the TV station, that habit had fallen by the wayside.


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