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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 875

Wrapping his arms around Julia, Michael spoke with a low and soothing voice, "You know, I've always known you had a thing for movies. It was obvious ever since our first cinema trip. Julia, you should never worry about money - that's for me to handle. You just focus on what you love, and I'll be right by your side, supporting you, protecting you, always."

Julia nestled into Michael’s shoulder, her voice a whisper, "Michael, do you know? Meeting you has been my greatest joy, beyond even my wildest dreams."

Without hesitation, Michael's lips met hers. Moonlight draped over them like a delicate veil.

At the entrance of the dormitory stood two rows of sycamore trees. It was deep autumn. Leaves fell gently from the trees, a beautiful and romantic shower of gold and red. It was like a scene straight out of a movie.

And there, tucked in the shadows, stood Alyssa, admitting to herself that, at that moment, she was green with envy.

Michael was not the man she had pictured. He worked so hard, made so much money, yet didn't spend a dime on himself. Instead, he lavished it all on Julia. That kind of selfless dedication was beyond what most people were capable of.

Alyssa felt a pang of guilt for having misjudged Michael earlier.

Watching the two of them locked in an embrace, a blush crept onto Alyssa's cheeks, and she quickly turned away. Then she scurried up the stairs.

That night, Julia came back late.

Alyssa lay in bed, feigning sleep, though she was wide awake. Scenes of Julia and Michael kissing kept playing in her mind along with their dreams of the future.

It all seemed like a perfect movie ending. Yet, for some reason, Alyssa's heart ached with a mix of envy and longing.


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