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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 894

Agnes knew in her heart that the truth was as clear as daylight.

When Berlin was convicted, Agnes had braced herself for the day when his chains would be broken. Cilian would surely find a way to spring his brother from the clutches of justice.

After all, Cilian had lost their parents at a young age, and it had been the two brothers against the world.

Although Berlin was the black sheep of the family, Cilian had always treated him with kindness.

In a way, it was Cilian's misdirected care that had aided in morphing Berlin into a monster.

But Agnes hadn't expected it to happen so soon.

That scoundrel was set free far too quickly for her liking.

And then there was Valeria.

Agnes could stomach Cilian and Valeria forgiving Berlin due to their blood bond. But Jared forgiving him was beyond her comprehension, especially since it was Berlin who had taken her father's life.

Agnes said, "Jared, facts are facts, and no matter what you say, I can't trust you anymore. Can you even grasp how I feel? Berlin killed my father, and yet you let others go to his rescue. I didn't expect you to do anything for me, but Jared, you kept it from me. In the end, you stood with Valeria. That, that I cannot comprehend or forgive."

Jared remained silent.

Agnes turned away, "In a couple of days, I'm taking Nocturne and leaving."

Jared's pupils visibly shrank. He stepped forward, seizing Agnes' hand and asking, "Where will you go?"

Her voice was icy, "That's none of your concern."


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