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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 910

Ivan asked, "You didn’t know? Ryder's been on a roll lately with a slick pharmaceutical takeover that's won him a lot of fans on the board. His shares are now on par with Jared's, and he's pushing for a new election for chairman. He's been quietly winning people over—it's practically a coup. The shareholders' meeting for The Tim Group is just around the corner, and I'm genuinely worried for Jared."

Mamie, lounging on the living room couch, seemed unfazed by the news.

With a dismissive wave, Mamie chimed in, "Jared's been at the helm of The Tim Group for years. He's too well-rooted to be toppled by some upstart. No need to worry. Jared's a shark in the business sea; he takes others down, not the other way around. I doubt the person who could best him has even been born yet."

Ivan, though, remained visibly troubled. "This isn't like before. Ryder's his nephew. If it were just a straight fight, I wouldn't be concerned. But I fear Jared might just step aside. Why else do you think Ryder has half of The Tim Group's shares? Plus, I saw Jared recently, and his condition was... worrisome."

Agnes' expression darkened at Ivan's words. He was right. The fear wasn't in the fight; it was that Jared might not fight at all.

Just then, the doorbell rang, and Ivan hurried to answer it.

Jared stepped in behind Ivan, his presence filling the room.

Agnes stood on the steps, watching from a distance. She had been staying in the Capital for a while after taking Nocturne to Dr. Hanson's place.

During that time, she'd barely been in touch with Jared, it felt like ages since she last saw him.

Jared looked more haggard than Agnes remembered. His indifferent gaze met hers briefly, and both Mamie and Ivan sensed an unspoken tension between them.

Before dinner, Mamie dragged them to the living room under the pretense of showing off her new VR television set.

After a while, she excused herself to "help in the kitchen," leaving them alone in the living room.


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