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Heartstrings on Fire (Agnes and Jared) novel Chapter 979

The throbbing pain in her arm yanked Agnes back from her messy head.

And there he was. Jared. Real as the daylight.

Agnes hadn’t expected Jared to show up. Especially not now.

Panic flickered through her as an unsettling thought crossed her mind. Wasn’t he supposed to be at the company, prepping for the shareholders’ meeting? Why was he here?

"Jared, let go of me. Everyone’s watching, for heaven’s sake."

Their flight was boarding soon. The airport terminal buzzed with travelers, and their small scene had quickly become a spectacle.

But Jared seemed oblivious to her protest, his grip on her arm unyielding as if he feared she might sprout wings and take flight.

His gaze was intense, unwavering as he stared into her eyes. He looked haggard, bloodshot eyes hinting at a sleepless night. His hair was a tousled mess atop his head, and a shadow of stubble darkened his jaw.

It was chilly, yet he wore only a crumpled white shirt and black trousers—the very ones he'd worn the night before.

The scent of tobacco and alcohol clung to him, painting a vivid picture of his night's torments. Agnes could almost see him, drowning his sorrows in a bottle.

Why couldn’t Jared let her go?

Her heart ached at the sight of him, this disheveled, desperate version of the man she once knew. But she had to leave. She couldn't be the reason his world fell apart, nor could she bear the thought of Ryder losing his way because of her.

Chapter 979 1


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