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Hell Hounds novel Chapter 48

Ian sat with the others, listening to the various groups of people talking about their lacklustre patrols. Hal and Jaxon sat with him. They ate while making small talk. The twins’ expression told him. They’d something they needed to discuss with him in private. Though there was no space for that. More people entered the conference room. Dragons, by the clothing they wore, along with serious expressions.

Gregory followed them in. He stepped to the table’s head. The dragon leader to his left and the Fianna hunter to his right. “Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? Thank you. I know you are all tired. We have news for you. It’s not great. But it’s news.”

“While you were out patrolling this realm. Others within the Dream Realm discovered a barguest. The last word we’ve received they are attempting to follow it. We’ve got a bunk room set up down the hall. Please try to get some proper sleep now. We don’t know when or if we’ll need of your services. Before anyone goes off and believes because they can’t enter the Dream Realm, this precludes them, it doesn’t. These creatures can exit the Dream Realm at will, anywhere. If you believe you are alone, don’t. You’re lying to yourself. That means. No one is alone from now on.”

Faces looked about the room. Voices mingled in a low rumble. Everyone struggled to make sense of it all.

“I’m sorry. Especially to the newly mated. I have good news to report. Many factions have agreed to return. The merfolk have agreed to return to act as backup support for transporting supplies and providing medical support.”

Mario leaned between Hal and Ian. His words quiet as he expanded this announcement. “Think mermaids, sea going shifters. They make great scouts. All the water in the area. It acts like highways for them. Merfolk also have an affinity for making great medics. Or guards for the medics. Their faction has an aversion to attacking anyone. Though they will defend and protect.” Jaxon nodded appreciatively at the explanation.

“The Vampire and Druid Factions are also returning. This means we’ll have a full house again. By now we’re accustomed to it. I expect everyone to be on their best behaviour. We’re the hosts. Talks will also begin on building a permanent plan for future events, such as these. This means your reports must include all the issues you have with your involvement. Your ability to function. Improvements for future missions. We need your input.” Gregory took a breath. “The last reported location of the barguest was the old Colton graveyard. It headed northwest. The creature is the size of three to four shifter wolves. It also has magic that allows it to send its victim into a state of terror. It’s always hungry, and its favourite meal is fresh meat. Preferably human or humanoid. Iron weapons will affect it. We’re waiting now on our enforcer, who is tracking the creature to find their location. Best-case scenario they can return with rough numbers, too. Questions?” Gregory looked for raised hands.

Ian put his hand up. “Who’s tracking the thing?”


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