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Hello, Mr Thomas Grey novel Chapter 29

Rachel Stuart goes home and locks herself in the room.

When she gets home, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart are not home, only servant here.

The phone keeps ringing. Seeing the caller ID is Thomas Grey, she hangs up again and again. Finally, she fretfully blocks out Thomas Grey.

When Rachel Stuart gets home, she knows she behaves too dramatic.

In fact, Thomas Grey spoils her. Thomas Grey always promised her everything, no matter what she asked. However, in terms of intimacy, he was too...eager and assertive.

When Thomas Grey asked her to stay for the night, she agreed in her heart. Just as what Thomas Grey said, they are now legally married, and it is reasonable for him to ask her to make out with him.

She doesn’t have to be shy.

And, to some extreme, she loves to make out with him.

And, she doesn’t mind to go further with him.

She yearns for him every time he hugs her and kisses her.

But this time, he goes too far.

She said something hurtful, but it has been said out and she could not take it back, no matter how embarrassed she is

She couldn't say sorry in that situation, so they can only be stalemated.

Rachel Stuart falls on the bed. She thinks more than once that she might just let it go. When her parents come back, she would tell them the truth and she doesn’t love Thomas Grey, then…

Then what?

Rachel Stuart clutches her head. She's really annoyed right now.


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