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Hello, Mr Thomas Grey novel Chapter 9

“Mommy...” Rachel Stuart holds Mrs. Stuart, “There is nothing between me and that man. Really, I just got drunk and then... then...”

“I know your character clearly. If it was just a simple drunken mess, how could you possibly be so shy?” Mrs. Stuart knows her girl well enough to say, “Why? Is that boy bad? Or is his family poor?”

“No...no...” She has no idea about Thomas Grey's family, or even what did he do.

Mrs. Stuart sighs, “Don't worry. Anyway, you know our family has a little property. We will accept him even he is a poor boy. Because you accept him, your dad and I won’t meddle too much.”

“I'm not, I'm not...” Rachel Stuart is about to cry. When did she accept that man?

“I know you’re shy. Would you like to meet that boy? Or call him? You know your father's temper, if he wants you to bring him back tomorrow, he certainly can't give you room for maneuver.”

Rachel Stuart wants to scream. Thomas Grey is so...

Before leaving, he told her to handle the thing of Cameron Crane as soon as possible and take him home to meet her parents.

Well, he can meet them next day.

But there is something weird.

Rachel Stuart goes to her room, takes out her phone and calls Thomas Grey.

The phone number was input by Thomas Grey himself. When she dials and sees the remark name, she almost laughs into tears.

My sweet husband majesty

What the hell?

Rachel Stuart thinks it would take a while to get through, but no sooner did her phone ring than it was picked up.

“Rachel, have you missed me?” Thomas Grey's deep, gentle voice comes from the phone.


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