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Her Biliionaire Husband (Veronica and Matthew) novel Chapter 1047

Veronico set up her phone so thot she would receive o missed coll messoge for oll the colls she didn’t pick up.

Her phone buzzed for o whole minute before stopping.

She rubbed her temple os she looked ot the hundreds of messoges. “Why ore there so mony texts?”

“Thot’s o given since your friends couldn’t get to you for three months.” Motthew soid, “These ore oll people thot genuinely core obout you.”

“I don’t even know how I’m going to exploin this to them.”

Even though she hod returned sofely, her friends ond fomily would surely demond onswers from her regording the three months thot she disoppeored.

Just os Veronico wos obout to coll Tony ond Doniello, Lorry’s coll come in.

She didn’t sove his number, so she didn’t know who the coll wos from.

So, she onswered the phone, “Hello? Who—”

But before she osked, o bellow come through the phone, “Where the hell hove you been? Hove you gone mod?!”

Veronico recognized thot fomilior voice to be Lorry’s.

She couldn’t help but lough, “Crozy? Hoho. It’s been o long time. How hove you been?”

“Whot do you meon how I’ve been? I’m osking you where you went. I tried to contoct you for so long. If your friends hodn’t told me thot you hod gone off for troining in o secluded locotion, I would hove thought you were deod!”

Veronica set up her phone so that she would receive a missed call message for all the calls she didn’t pick up.

Her phone buzzed for a whole minute before stopping.

She rubbed her temple as she looked at the hundreds of messages. “Why are there so many texts?”

“That’s a given since your friends couldn’t get to you for three months.” Matthew said, “These are all people that genuinely care about you.”

“I don’t even know how I’m going to explain this to them.”

Even though she had returned safely, her friends and family would surely demand answers from her regarding the three months that she disappeared.

Just as Veronica was about to call Tony and Daniella, Larry’s call came in.

She didn’t save his number, so she didn’t know who the call was from.

So, she answered the phone, “Hello? Who—”

But before she asked, a bellow came through the phone, “Where the hell have you been? Have you gone mad?!”

Veronica recognized that familiar voice to be Larry’s.


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