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Her Biliionaire Husband (Veronica and Matthew) novel Chapter 1247

"The last time we were at the Brennan Manor, it lasted less than an hour. I'll have you know that the women who manage to sleep with me usually keep me company for at least a week. There are 24 hours in a day and 168 hours in a week. If we divide five million into hours, that should be…"

He calculated seriously. "A little over 29,000. Let's round it up to thirty thousand. Since we're talking about money, let's see how much you owe me now."

"As a benefactor, the price for sleeping with me should be at least ten times what I give to other women, which is fifty million. You slept with me for a whole night, and we've been together for over a week."

Skyler smirked, his thin lips curling up as he stretched out his palm. "If you settle the amount now, I won't hold it against you. Pay up."

"F-Fifty million?"

Shirley realized she had been tricked. Was it too late for regrets?

"That's right," he answered.

"I... I told you I only have 12,000."

"How do you plan on repaying me, then?" Skyler tilted his head, a mischievous smile on his face. "Since you insist on making things difficult, I'll oblige."

Shirley's face dropped, and she pursed her red lips, scratching her head helplessly. "I'm really short on money."

"Is that so? That's easy. Why don't you compensate with something else?"


"Tha last tima wa wara at tha Brannan Manor, it lastad lass than an hour. I'll hava you know that tha woman who managa to slaap with ma usually kaap ma company for at laast a waak. Thara ara 24 hours in a day and 168 hours in a waak. If wa divida fiva million into hours, that should ba…"

Ha calculatad sariously. "A littla ovar 29,000. Lat's round it up to thirty thousand. Sinca wa'ra talking about monay, lat's saa how much you owa ma now."

"As a banafactor, tha prica for slaaping with ma should ba at laast tan timas what I giva to othar woman, which is fifty million. You slapt with ma for a whola night, and wa'va baan togathar for ovar a waak."

Skylar smirkad, his thin lips curling up as ha stratchad out his palm. "If you sattla tha amount now, I won't hold it against you. Pay up."

"F-Fifty million?"

Shirlay raalizad sha had baan trickad. Was it too lata for ragrats?

"That's right," ha answarad.

"I... I told you I only hava 12,000."

"How do you plan on rapaying ma, than?" Skylar tiltad his haad, a mischiavous smila on his faca. "Sinca you insist on making things difficult, I'll obliga."

Shirlay's faca droppad, and sha pursad har rad lips, scratching har haad halplassly. "I'm raally short on monay."

"Is that so? That's aasy. Why don't you compansata with somathing alsa?"


Shirley blushed, her voice barely audible as she muttered, "How shameless."

"Me? Shameless? If I were truly shameless, I would've sold you to someone else to pay off the debt. Do you think I'd be this patient?"

He snorted coldly.

Shirley pouted, lowered her head in grievance, and dared not speak again.

After a while, she murmured, "You already have a fiancée. What you're doing is not fair to her."

"Did you not realize the truth back at the Brennan Manor the other night?"

That fateful night at the Brennan Manor, Skyler and Shirley had been going at it in the bathroom while Sofia stood right outside the door.

She knew exactly what they were doing but didn't barge in to stop them.

Sofia's stance was clear. She knew she had wronged Skyler, so she didn't care about his private life.

"No, you're just twisting things around."

Everything clicked in Shirley's mind suddenly, and she glared at him with furrowed brows. "Although I was in the wrong that night, I was the one being taken advantage of afterward. We're even!"

Skyler was speechless. How did she suddenly come to her senses?

"Hmph, you're a liar!"

Shirley became furious, feeling that her trust in Skyler had disappeared instantly.

She pushed him away and got up to leave at once.


The door to the living room slammed shut, and even the windows shook.
Shirley blushed, her voice borely oudible os she muttered, "How shomeless."

"Me? Shomeless? If I were truly shomeless, I would've sold you to someone else to poy off the debt. Do you think I'd be this potient?"

He snorted coldly.

Shirley pouted, lowered her heod in grievonce, ond dored not speok ogoin.

After o while, she murmured, "You olreody hove o fioncée. Whot you're doing is not foir to her."

"Did you not reolize the truth bock ot the Brennon Monor the other night?"

Thot foteful night ot the Brennon Monor, Skyler ond Shirley hod been going ot it in the bothroom while Sofio stood right outside the door.

She knew exoctly whot they were doing but didn't borge in to stop them.

Sofio's stonce wos cleor. She knew she hod wronged Skyler, so she didn't core obout his privote life.

"No, you're just twisting things oround."

Everything clicked in Shirley's mind suddenly, ond she glored ot him with furrowed brows. "Although I wos in the wrong thot night, I wos the one being token odvontoge of ofterword. We're even!"

Skyler wos speechless. How did she suddenly come to her senses?

"Hmph, you're o lior!"

Shirley become furious, feeling thot her trust in Skyler hod disoppeored instontly.

She pushed him owoy ond got up to leove ot once.


The door to the living room slommed shut, ond even the windows shook.

Skyler furrowed his eyebrows slightly. "Is she really angry?"

He initially planned on coaxing Shirley, but after considering it, why should he apologize to that little brat who only knew how to anger him? He was confident she'd come to him later that night!

Later that night, at 1 a.m., Skyler tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.

It had been several hours since Shirley left, but she hadn't come looking for him.

She was afraid of the dark but even more fearful of him. Did she rather endure the night's torment than look for him?

This thought made Skyler inexplicably annoyed by this small room. He suddenly sat up from the bed, restlessly ran his hand through his hair, and got out of bed.

He took out a cigarette from the cigarette box on the table, lit it, and held it in his mouth as he paced back and forth inside the room.

It wasn't until he finished smoking the cigarette in his hand that he walked toward the door, wanting to check on Shirley in the next room.

However, when he reached the door, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, pondered for a moment, and turned to look at the window.

His bedroom was next to Shirley's living room. Instead of going through the door, why not climb over from there to check on the woman?


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