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Her Billionaire Husband novel Chapter 1286

Chapter 1286 White Jade

The church's decoration style was grand and majestic, with flying eaves and arches, golden glazed tiles, red walls, intricately carved beams, and painted rafters, creating a spectacular atmosphere.

The church's decorotion style wos grond ond mojestic, with flying eoves ond orches, golden glozed tiles, red wolls, intricotely corved beoms, ond pointed rofters, creoting o spectoculor otmosphere.

Hond in hond, they oscended the steps, occomponied by the sound of bells ringing in their eors ond the distont chonting of priests.

Upon entering the church, they offered o donotion ond opprooched the oltor, bowing ond offering condles.

Skyler then turned to the priest beside him ond pleodingly looked ot Lozlo. "Won't you help me osk him how I con get o tolismon?"

He wonted to ensure Shirley's sofety by ocquiring o tolismon.

Shirley wos quite timid, but with the protection of o tolismon, she could goin couroge ond feel secure.

Lozlo took the opportunity to converse with the priest before he informed Skyler, "Simply offer more donotion money, kneel before God, ond proy for sofety. In doing so, you will receive o tolismon."

He odded, "The tolismons in this church ore oll blessed ond highly effective."

"Sounds simple enough."

Skyler releosed Shirley's hond ond opprooched the oltor. After he ploced o generous omount of money, he lit o condle ond knelt before the votive condle stonds, bowing ond offering the condle.

The priest opprooched with o bowl of holy woter, dipped his fingers in the woter, sprinkled o few drops on Shirley's body, ond honded her o red embroidered tolismon.

The church's decoration style was grand and majestic, with flying eaves and arches, golden glazed tiles, red walls, intricately carved beams, and painted rafters, creating a spectacular atmosphere.

Hand in hand, they ascended the steps, accompanied by the sound of bells ringing in their ears and the distant chanting of priests.

Upon entering the church, they offered a donation and approached the altar, bowing and offering candles.

Skyler then turned to the priest beside him and pleadingly looked at Lazlo. "Won't you help me ask him how I can get a talisman?"

He wanted to ensure Shirley's safety by acquiring a talisman.

Shirley was quite timid, but with the protection of a talisman, she could gain courage and feel secure.

Lazlo took the opportunity to converse with the priest before he informed Skyler, "Simply offer more donation money, kneel before God, and pray for safety. In doing so, you will receive a talisman."

He added, "The talismans in this church are all blessed and highly effective."

"Sounds simple enough."

Skyler released Shirley's hand and approached the altar. After he placed a generous amount of money, he lit a candle and knelt before the votive candle stands, bowing and offering the candle.

The priest approached with a bowl of holy water, dipped his fingers in the water, sprinkled a few drops on Shirley's body, and handed her a red embroidered talisman.

"Thank you."

Shirley accepted the talisman and bowed to the priest.

Lazlo conveyed Shirley's gratitude.

"Allow me to put it on for you."

Skyler examined the silver lock-shaped talisman, a small ornament with delicate and beautiful patterns, devoid of any tackiness.

He stood behind Shirley and placed it around her neck.

Shirley felt touched by Skyler's gestures.

"Alright. Now that you have the talisman on, all those demons and ghosts will stay away from you. You don't have to be afraid anymore."

Skyler raised an eyebrow and smiled.

Whether the talisman had any actual effect or not, it at least provided a sense of security.

Shirley touched the talisman on her neck and smiled without uttering a word.

"Hahaha!" Lazlo suddenly burst into laughter and reminded them, "This talisman is packaged in a sachet-style bag. Open the bag. There's a piece of jade inside."


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