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Her Cold-Hearted Alpha novel Chapter 121


” I love you … Amore … ” His voice pierced m y heart . The sadness , regret and guilt in his eyes before they closed . No … This was not farewell ! Pain ripped through me and never had I felt such a level of hurt .

It was worse than seeing Alejandro and Jasmin together at the mating ceremony . My knees almost buckled under the agony , my eyes on Alejandro as he ripped her heart apart .

” Baby no ! ” I shrieked . No ! I can’t lose you ! No ! His howl of pure agony ripped through the air , and it was a sound I’d never forget . I rushed towards him , falling to m y knees . ” Hold on ! ” I cried , pressing my hands to his chest . I poured all my healing into him . My heart was thundering as I tried to listen to his heartbeat . Nothing .

” Goddess no ! Please no ! ” I cried . My eyes were blurring with tears but I didn’t stop .

He had to heal ! He couldn’t die ! Why him ! No … please no … ” He’s … gone … ” Someone whispered . I didn’t even notice when everyone hadi gathered around me or the fact that it was raining lightly . ” He isn’t ! ” I cried out .

He couldn’t leave me , I felt the weakening bond , but it was still there … He’s still here No one spoke , as Mom wrapped her arms around me , letting me do what I needed to SEE Please , Selene … Please … A broken sob left my body as I rested my head on Alejandro’s chest . ” Please … ” I whispered . ” You promised me ”

*** A faint beat of a heart reached my ears and my heart leapt . He was still here ! I didn’t stop pouring my healing into him , but the heartbeat remained faint .

Why wasn’t this working ? ” Alejandro ! Baby come on …

” Kiara … You’ve healed what you can . ” Dad’s quiet voice came . H ” No ! It’s not strong enough yet … I kept going . My entire body was screaming for a break but I couldn’t . My vision blurred , but I couldn’t stop . What if he slipped away ?

The thought terrified m e . I couldn’t live without him . He couldn’t just step into my life and then leave ! ” Kiara ! Think of the pup ! ” Mom pleaded , cupping my face and forcing me to look at her . My heart pounded as the truth hit me .

I couldn’t help Alejandro … Why ?! Wasn’t this my gift ?! Why can’t I heal the one I loved ?! What kind of joke was this ? I pulled away , refusing to stop , not relenting until I felt the strain wrapping around my stomach .

I stilled , I had used up everything I had … but I couldn’t risk the pup . If it wasn’t for my pup , I’d have drained my entire life source for Alejandro . My tears spilt down my cheeks as I kept my hands on Alejandro’s chest .

His heartbeat was so faint … ” You’ve healed him . The rest is up to him . Endora tried to take him with her , but she didn’t succeed . Have faith , Kiara . Rafael’s hoarse voice came . 11 I looked up at him , seeing the pain in his eyes .

” He’ll be ok , Kiara … We all know how stubborn Alejandro is . ” Dad said softly . I didn’t reply , looking at the man before m e , his body covered in dirt , blood and sweat . His handsome face looked as if he was simply asleep .

I cupped his jaw , leaning over and placed a deep kiss on his lips . Wake up , my king … Please wake up … Nothing . I could barely feel him breathing . What was wrong ? Why wasn’t his heartbeat steadying ?

My mind was going through a vicious cycle of questions that had no answers . ” Kia … ” Mom said softly . ” Let’s take him inside . ” Rafael said , gently . I didn’t want to move away . Mom pulled m e back and Rafael lifted his brother .

I could barely stand , my energy was completely depleted . I reached out to Alejandro , don’t leave me …. please … My vision spun and I felt myself fall forward before darkness welcomed me … TWO DAYS LATER ..

The devastating aftermath of a battle was never one of happiness … We had won , yet I felt nothing but remorse for our losses .

We had lost so many … Uncle Aaron , Grandma Amy , Grandad , Aunty Indy , Daniel and his mate … Valentin … Someone I had struggled to save , in the end , he still lost his life . So many had lost their mates , parents , siblings .

It hurt more than I could ever put into words . Everyone was affected , one way or another . Two days had gone by , yet my king never awoke . His heartbeat was fainter than an unborn pups … I was unravelling .

Looking back , I felt like he knew there was a chance of this happening .

I had seen how he had shielded me from her right until the end , but he was not protecting himself … At that last moment when he had her heart in his hand … The silent apology in his eyes , the pain and the guilt .

The man who said he was a monster , sacrificed everything for our kind . Why did you leave me ? The worst thing was , I couldn’t even let myself break .

An entire pack was looking a t me for guidance . For answers to why their king did not make it ? To know that it’s going to be ok . I looked towards the shining moon . Was this fair ? I felt as if I had failed everyone …. I had failed my mate .

Every day I tried to heal him , but nothing . Callum had come a s well , but there was nothing . It was not magic . We both had determined that … But there seemed to be nothing we could do , a Whatever Endora had done in her last moments by linking their hearts had all but destroyed Alejandro . Although I had been able to stop it from completely killing him , it only put him in a deadlock .

It was as if I had simply frozen him on the brink of death . The bond was so weak I could barely feel it , and in its place was a terrifying emptiness that was pulling me into its depths .

” Kiara , It’s time for the farewell . ” Liam’s voice broke me from my thoughts , and I turned towards him . His eyes were filled with sadness , 1 nodded . We had burned our dead and tried to list everyone who was gone , but not everyone was intact .

It had been hard to tell their families that there wasn’t even a body for them to look upon . Many Alphas had taken their dead and moved on , but The Black Storm , The Blood Moon and The Night Walker Pack remained .

We were combining our farewells , those who had lost mates and family had all joined us here . Liam took my hand and led me from the room . I saw Grandma Jessica standing there and it hurt to see that she was losing it . The loss of her mate and daughter had hit her so hard .

She also didn’t understand why Grandma Amy had not saved Aunty , not understanding when Mom told her the baby was holding out thanks to something Grandma Amy had given to both me and Aunty beforehand .

This only triggered Grandma Jessica even more , to the point where she was blaming Grandma Amy for not stopping us from joining the battle . But I understood , whatever Grandma Amy’s gift was , it seemed she couldn’t really foretell it .

She always seemed to know things , but at the same time , she never said much . We would never truly understand the depths of Grandma Amy’s past or her heritage .

But to me , no matter how many people were disgusted that she had a witch heritage and that she had lived amongst us , I would always remember her as that beacon of light who had always been here for me and for my mom .

The one with witty crass remarks and how she loved to tease all the men , a That was another thing that pained me . The hatred our people felt towards witches had increased ten – fold . It hurt considering Janaina had helped us somewhat ,

Delsanra had given her life to relay the truth and Grandma Amy , maybe not a full witch , but she had some lineage .

No one saw that , in fact … the disapproval that mom agreed to carry a child transferred by magic had hit the wrong way . It seems no matter what we accomplish , something else takes its place .

The negativity and stigma that Mom was facing shocked me . Although she took it all and put people in their place , it did not stop people from talking . ” We should go . ” Mom said to Grandma , who clung to her .

Dad was quiet too … He had lost so many people he loved , including his best friend . Damon had stepped in as Beta already , although he wasn’t showing his emotions at all .

I tried a little , but there was nothing I could do when I myself was crumbling from within . ” You’re going to have to speak for the Night Walkers Pack . ” Dad said to me . I nodded , as he pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead .

” You got this ; he’s going to wake up . ” He said firmly , looking down at me .

I nodded but said nothing , I had barely spoken unless I needed to give orders . Alejandro … I looked at the glittering ring o n my finger and my heart clenched . I need you , my king .

Ten minutes later , we were gathered in the open grounds , not far from where Endora had tried to resurrect the dead witch . My mind flitted back to that night . I had felt the darkness she was resurrecting and I had channelled my own power into destroying the remnants of the magic that remained within the earth .

I wondered if I hadn’t focused on that , would Alejandro b e here now ? I had deviated from the plan …. But something had told me I needed to stop her from completing that ritual no matter what … and I had succeeded .


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