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Her Cold-Hearted Alpha novel Chapter 123



This was not supposed to happen . I held Raven tightly as she trembled , struggling t o hold her tears back . ” Damon … ” I said softly . He looked at me . I had never seen him look more torn . Confusion , want and guilt all surrounded him .

I knew he wanted to comfort Raven , yet at the same time , he felt guilty towards Liam . I had never seen them ever argue like this . They were like brothers in every way . Seeing Liam this towards Damon completely shook angry me up .

” I don’t know what to do … ” He whispered . He moved forward , reaching for Raven . ” Liam …

” She whispered , her head buried i n my shoulder . I saw the hurt flash in Damon’s eyes as he backed away . She didn’t mean it like that … But before ! could even speak , Damon had run off . I closed my eyes , feeling confused .

” Luna Kiara . ” I turned to see one of Dad’s warriors approaching me . ” What is it ? ” I asked . ” Alpha Scarlett is in labour .

” My eyes flew open , my heart pounding . I needed to get to Mum instantly ! I looked a t Raven , who wiped her tears and pulled away . ” 1 ” You should go … ” Raven , what about- ” ” I’m ok . Do you think I’m going to cry over some men ?

I just had something in m y eye … ” She tried lamely to make an excuse . ” I’ll come to check on you later …

He didn’t reject you . Things will be ok . ” I said firmly . I believe they would too … Why couldn’t they see how lucky they were to have a mate who was by their side ? Life is too short to let the moments pass you by .

She nodded , giving me a smile . I turned and ran towards the hospital .

” Careful Luna ! ” The warrior said . I didn’t reply , in too much of a hurry to get to Mom . We weren’t sure how things would go , considering how the baby had been transferred .

The pregnancy had also been very draining on Mom despite her quick healing . Two hours later , Liam and I were both pacing the hall . He had returned , but could feel his emotions rolling off of him .

I had been by Mom’s side until my own little one was getting agitated and Dad told me to go take a break . But I was not able to as I paced the otherwise empty halls . 11 ” Liam … ” Don’t Kiara … ” He said , his voice strained . ” Liam … Don’t hurt her-

” ” Look , I’ve not asked for anything in life … but the one thing I prayed for … I … ” He sat down , resting his head in his hands . ” Do you know how lucky you are that your mate is here , alive and able to hold you in her arms ?

” I whispered . My heart was aching as I thought of my beloved . We spoke quietly , making sure no one could hear us . ” You don’t get it ? Tell me , Kia , could you share Alejandro ? ” He asked , looking me dead in the eyes .

My stomach twisted at the very thought o f someone else touching my mate .

” Can you imagine Alejandro loving another woman as much as he loves you ? ” The thought tugged at my heart and I realised I was in no position to speak , when I myself couldn’t even bear to be in Liam’s position .

” Exactly my point … ” He whispered . I sat next to him , placing my head on his shoulder .

I wished I could help him , help Raven , help Damon … But this was something they would have to figure out on their own . ” Just … don’t run from it all . The three of you need to figure this out …

I know that in the rare cases of being blessed with more than one mate , it is usually brothers who are given two mates … But for Selene to bless you and Damon with the same means that she too sees you both as ” brothers .

I believe you can make this work . 11 He didn’t respond . We simply sat there , side by side , until the sound of a baby crying reached our ears . We both stood u p , my heart hammering as we rushed to the door . ” Can we come in ?

” Liam asked . ” Yeah . ” Dad replied . We entered to see Dad wiping Mom’s sweaty hair off her face as he kissed her forehead tenderly . The nurse passed Mom the baby , allowing her to slip her under the sheet to rest her against her chest .

Before leaving us for a moment . ” It’s a girl . ” Mom said tiredly , but despite that , she was smiling . Her eyes were shining with unshed tears . I smiled softly , going over to look at her . Her mop of black hair reminded me of Auntie’s .

I looked down at her , my heart warmed as she looked at me with her large doe eyes and those gorgeous long lashes as she yawned . ” She’s absolutely gorgeous . ” I whispered , stroking her cheek . ” Any names ? ” Liam asked quietly .

He was hiding his emotions perfectly . ” Azura Rayne . ” Mom said softly , kissing the baby’s head tenderly .

” It’s pretty and perfect . ” I said , taking a seat on the edge of the bed . We fell silent as we all remembered Aunty Indigo . After so many years , she had been blessed with a child , but she didn’t live long enough to see her …

I just hoped that she was looking down at us and was proud of her little angel . ” She’s tiny . ” Liam whispered , taking her tiny hand in his . She curled her fingers around his finger and I smiled . We would take care of her no matter what .

” How are you feeling , Mom ? ” I asked as Dad sat next to Mom and wrapped his arms around her .

” Tired but good . It seemed harder this time around . ” She said , with a small chuckle .

” Yeah , I , did not like seeing you like that again … ” Dad said , frowning slightly . ” For Indy … ” Mom said . ” I’m going to treat my little girl like a queen and raise her to be one , just like her elder sister . ” I smiled and Dad chuckled .

” I really am surrounded by Alpha females . ” Get used to it . ” Liam said quietly , with a wry smile . ” So no luck with a mate ? ” Mom asked , looking at him with a hopeful look . ” No. No luck .

” Liam said smoothly , making a stab of pain go through me , my heart skipping a beat . Mom looked disappointed , and I had a feeling she had wanted it to be Raven . ” Well … You’re a male , it’s common not to find your mate so soon . ” She said confidently .

” Oh , and what about Damon and Raven ? ” Dad asked nonchalantly . ” I don’t know , we ended up coming here .

” Liam said with a shrug . My heart was thudding as he gave me a look , his blue eyes piercing into mine .

Mom looked between us . ” You don’t know if either found their ” mate ? ” She asked , raising a perfect brow .

I shook my head , feeling guilt twisting inside of me . There was a small knock on the door to my relief , and the nurse that had left re – entered . ” Mind if I do a few checks and then you can feed her , Luna ? ” Mom nodded and I stood up . ” We’ll head out .

” I said , placing my hand on Moms and letting my healing flow through her . I saw her relax and knew that despite her fast healing , this birth had taken a lot out of her . ” Thank you , Kia . ” She said gently .

” Anytime , Mom . ” I said , before Liam and I left together . I looked around the hall and pulled Liam aside . ” Why did you lie ? ” I asked . ” They don’t need to know . ” He said quietly . ” Liam … What are you planning ?

” ” I’m not- ” He stopped talking , pulling m e further back . I was about to speak when I realised why he had paused .

… Luna . It’s still weird … ” ” Shush ! If you’re heard ! ” Another nurse hissed .

” All I’m saying is , we are going to have a child born of magic in this very pack . A freak- ” Liam stepped out , his eyes flashing as the nurse who was carrying Azura froze . My own anger was rolling off me at her words . The other woman quickly took the baby from her as both lowered their heads . ” Sorry Alpha … “

” If anyone talks about my baby sister like that , I swear you will get punished for it . If you don’t spread such words , no one will think much of it . ” Liam said quietly . ” Y – yes Alpha . ” ” Take her back to Mom now . ” He commanded .

The woman hurried away and the one who had spoken looked at him in fear . ” Come to Dad’s office in the morning , I’m sure he’ll have the perfect punishment for insulting our little princess . ” He snapped . ” Yes Alpha , I’m sorry .

” She looked terrified . Liam didn’t reply as he walked off , but not so fast that I couldn’t keep up . I was still i n my gown but I wanted to go to Raven . ” Liam … what ” ” Please Kia , stop it . I’m just going to pretend none of this happened .

” ” You can’t deny the mate bond . Even Alejandro couldn’t . ” I whispered as we stepped out into the cool night .

” He fell in love with you before the mate bond snapped into place , Kia . On top of that , it was a totally different situation ! ” H e said softly , despite the frustration in his voice . ” Look , you’re pregnant , you don’t need any more stress in your life .

He caressed my cheek , giving me a small smile . ” So , that’s your way of saying mind your own business ? ” I asked , feeling hurt . ” No. All I’m saying is I’m leaving for my Alpha training soon . Alone .

” I froze , Alphas who had found their mates were allowed to take them with them … The dorms they lived in regardless of what city they were in , provided for couples too . I understood that his situation was different , but … he could be gone for almost three years , and something told me he wouldn’t even come home for the summer holidays … ” You’re running away ,

” Liam . ” Then shall I reject her ? ” He asked so quietly that I just about heard him .. I felt his pain as my own heart ached at those words . ” No … ” I said , feeling torn . ” Liam . ” Damon said . Liam sighed deeply , ” Don’t want to talk to you right now , Damon .

” Alright , take your time man , just don’t shut her out . ” ” Don’t tell me what to do . Besides , I was just mentioning this to Kiara , I’m leaving for my Alpha training soon . I want to ask you one favour .

” Liam said , looking at Damon . Both were tall . Liam was taller by two inches and he had a slightly bigger build , but both were muscular . ” What is it ? ” Damon asked . ” Don’t mention anything about me being mated to her , I’d appreciate it .

If that stays between the four of us I’d prefer it . A s for the rest , do whatever . ” Liam said . I could sense his agonising pain , despite how calm he was acting .

Damon looked stunned . He frowned . ” Liam , think it over , calmly- ” ” Just do as I said . ” Liam cut in , turning V away . ” Fine … ” ” Make sure you tell her that too . ” He said , not directing that at either of us .

It hurt to know he couldn’t even say her name any more . He walked off into the darkness and I looked at Damon . Illuminated by the hospital lights , I could see his conflicted expression . ” What are you going to do ? ” I asked .


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