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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 75

  Several weeks had passed since then and the pack was thriving. The funerals had been hard, but every pack member was honoured. Fiona’s parents had been excluded from the pack. Elijah still did not forgive Meredith for her attack on Scarlett back at that meeting and didn’t need any more toxic people with a motive for revenge around.

  The only odd occurrence was the strange murder of Alpha Daniel. He had been found dead in his bedroom. There had been no sign of a break in or even any scent and so no fingers had pointed at anyone. Of course, there was a certain name that crossed both Elijah and Scarlett’s minds but neither spoke of it. Alpha Daniel was the reason all the allied packs lost members, and no one really cared about his death. His beta was to take charge of the pack until Daniel’s 12-year-old son was ready to take over at 18. The matter was soon forgotten as everyone moved on from the events that had occurred.

  Half of the old Desert Storm Pack had been moved to their pack and everyone who was to join was initiated. They had constructed a second packhouse and many smaller houses for families. Scarlett had sold off Zidane’s shares and transferred some of the businesses into their packs, making the pack finances grow along with the large number that had now joined them. There were a few who joined other packs and Jackson and Elijah helped settle them wherever they wanted to go. Candice had recovered rather well and was happily living in her cottage. Things had been smooth sailing for everyone, and the mood had lifted a lot over the past few weeks. Monica was now supporting a very noticeable baby bump. A werewolf pregnancy was six months long rather than the usual nine months like a human.

  Jackson and the rest of the members had arrived although some were still staying at hotels whilst more houses were being built. Although everyone had worked fast to build more houses, they still needed several more. Things were in all coming along smoothly.

  Things had been great for Scarlett and Elijah as well, with most people accepting their relationship and although a few had found it surprising they had come to terms with it very fast. Admittedly the two made a great pair and were very much in love. Scarlett’s nightmares were less frequent but Elijah had seen enough to vow never to hurt her. The amount of abuse she had been through at the hands of Zidane was not something he would ever forget.

  Elijah had also decided to build them a home and it was something he worked on quite often himself. Knowing the rest of the pack members who knew how to build were making houses for the rest of the new pack members.

  Angela and Cassandra had gone on a short trip away and much to Scarlett’s happiness her friend had returned marked. Both had decided to stay at The Blood Moon pack and Cassandra had also been initiated into the pack. She was a confident strong woman who was very patient, something Scarlett had to admit one needed with Angela.

  Today was the day Elijah officially became Alpha and Jackson stepped down. It was also the day Scarlett would officially re-join the pack and take her place as Elijah’s Luna.

  She, Angela, Cassandra, Monica and Indigo had gone shopping for tonight’s party a few weeks ago and they were all excited, Scarlett included, who for once hadn't minded going to several stores to try on countless dresses. Their Alpha and Luna ceremony was nothing less than a wedding and was one of the most important events in the life of an Alpha.

  It was now mid-afternoon and Scarlett was sitting in Angela and Cassandra's lounge, Monica and Indigo were here too. A few makeup artists were getting them ready. Angela had refused to let her see Elijah all day, being annoying and saying they had too much to do. Scarlett now sat there glaring at her best friend.

  “I hate you.” She said as Angela simply rolled her eyes.

  “I don’t care babe, look Elijah needs to yearn for you. You’re always stuck to him like glue!”

  Cassandra and Monica laughed at this but Scarlett simply pouted. “Well, he is my mate. You’re one to talk! Cassandra’s right here!”

  “She isn't wrong Angel.” Cassandra said leaning over and giving Angela a soft kiss.

  Scarlett pouted, although she was happy for her friend, she did miss Elijah.

  ‘Thinking of me?’ His voice came through the mind link.

  ‘Obviously, although Angela was like don’t even mind link’ Scarlett replied, looking in the mirror as the stylist tugged at her hair. Luckily the women were from the pack so could get ready comfortably at home rather than go into town.

  ‘She needs to be put in her place. You’re the Luna kitten, the Alpha female. Show her who’s boss.’

  Scarlett smirked, amused at his reply. ‘So what is my handsome hunk doing?’ She asked, as the woman began working on her makeup. She glanced outside seeing the sun was low in the sky… not long now she thought.

  ‘Just a few preps for tonight’s ceremony. Can’t wait for you to be my official Luna baby.’ His husky voice sent a knot of pleasure through her and she bit her lip.

  ‘Me too… see you later’ She said before ending the link, knowing if they continued she would want to find him right then.

  “Scarlett was mind linking Elijah…” Indigo added, making Scarlett glare at her.

  “Oh, leave her alone!” Monica said making Scarlett give her an appreciative smile. Once Scarlett’s hair and make-up were complete she stood up and walked over to her glamourous red gown. Her heart skipped a beat, her nerves getting the better of her. Feeling a wave of nausea hit her, she covered her mouth fanning her face.

  “You ok babe?!” Angela asked jumping up startled. All eyes turned to Scarlett who nodded.

  “Yeah, perfectly.” She said. “I just feel sick.”

  Silence ensued as the 6 women in the room stared at her.

  “Oh my god, maybe you’re…” Monica said. Scarlett’s eyes widened. She hadn't had a period in ages…

  “Oh wow… Does this mean I'm going to be a double aunt?!” Indigo said jumping up.

  “Wait, wait! Remember the time I bought you those tests Monica? I'm sure I have the extra one somewhere!” Angela said rushing from the room.

  “She’s not going to rest until you have tested.” Cassandra said amused.

  “How are you feeling Luna?” One of the other women named Leah asked.

  “Let’s see if it’s even true…” Scarlett said, just as Angela came rushing in waving the packet in triumph.

  “Off you go!” She said, ushering Scarlett towards the bathroom. Scarlett gave her a glare.

  “Stop it! I won’t be telling anyone but Elijah first.” She snapped, making Angela’s face fall. Her eyes widening in sadness.

  “Really?” She said. Scarlett narrowed her eyes.

Chapter75 Alpha Elijah 1

Chapter75 Alpha Elijah 2


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