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Her Majesty novel Chapter 59

My heart was cold now, with a kind of betrayed anger.

At the same time, I also understood one thing, although I had been running smoothly recently, I have been called boss wherever I go, all this was because I had Mayor Chang to back me up. Leaving him, I was nothing.

I was so bloated, maybe tonight was a lesson for me.

My mind was full of confusion, watching the police record the confession for the people present. I was more anxious. I was not worried about myself, but Zhang and his workers. I promised that they would be ok, so they helped me.

If they get caught by the police, I would be ashamed.

Under such great pressure, I had to call Mayor Chang's phone again. The phone kept ringing, but no one answered. Finally, it was turned off.

Ben felt something was wrong with me. He walked to me and whispered, “What is going on?”

I whispered, “My godfather refused to help and told us to settle it by ourselves.”

"The devil!” Ben scolded.

At that moment, Director Wong came out from the inside and said to me with a serious face, "The matter has been clearly investigated. You made the first move today, and the main responsibility is on your side. It is said that those who help you fight today are the migrant workers of your construction site. I will send people to arrest them all now. Everyone is bold! Behave well in my area."

I hurriedly said, “Director Wong, can you help me with this. We want to deal with privately with Housin Jiang."

Director Wong flatly refused, "I can't explain to the people if I don't arrest all of you because of the great social impact of this matter."

I took a look at Housin, he looked embarrassed. My heart sneered: as long as all has been caught.

A group of us were taken to the police station, including Housin. No one could escape.

In this way, Director Wong was fair, and my heart calmed down. Anyway, I had been in the police station, it was no use to think much, I could only hope Zhang and his men could be fine.

A policeman came over and took a picture of me, recorded a confession, and also drew blood by fingerprint. I didn't understand that, so I did it completely.

After I finished, the police told me that I had to be detained for seven days. I asked if I could pay some money and then I could leave, but the police seriously refused me.

So we two groups of people were put into the detention room. Ben and I and his men were in a room, Housin and his several cronies were a room.

At the beginning, there was peaceful and quiet, but Housin scolded something, and Ben immediately took off his shoes to throw at him.

Then there was a shoe-throwing fight. The shoes flew back and forth between us, and we couldn't tell which one had the shoes, so we grabbed and threw them.

If it hadn't been for the two doors, the two gangs would have been fighting again. We were the only two groups who dare to be so arrogant here.

Just then a policeman on duty came in, knocked twice on the iron fence with his baton and shouted, "What are you doing? What place do you think it is? Do you want to go out as soon as possible?"

Chapter 59 Prison Sentences 1

Chapter 59 Prison Sentences 2

Chapter 59 Prison Sentences 3


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