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Her Second Marriage, Being Mr. Moore's New Wife novel Chapter 112

Charlotte went into the bathroom. The stench coming from her body disgusted her.

But she was really angry.

Those people worked in Moore Group mocked her and Kennedy.

The thought of him being secretly mocked by his own staff for being disabled and impotent made Charlotte feel particularly angry.

Why were these people so free to laugh at others? What was in it for them?

The water from the shower came down from the top of Charlotte’s head and soaked her.

She took off her smelling clothes and turned on the bathroom drain.

The shoulder spit by hot water was in pain. Charlotte subconsciously took two steps back.

Outside came the voice of Manfred, and Charlotte hugged herself subconsciously.

“Charlotte, there is shower gel in it. I am leaving and my assistant will come to you later.”

“Oh, ok...”

Charlotte nodded. She was too dirty now and she had to take a bath.

Twenty minutes later, someone knocked on her door and came in.

“Who is it?” Charlotte asked warily.

She was now in foam.

There was no answer. Charlotte walked to the door and asked again, “Who is it?”

There was a long silence outside before a cold male voice rang out.

“It’s me.”

Was it Kennedy’s voice?

At the thought of Kennedy was at the door, Charlotte felt uneasy. She was taking a shower in someone else’s bathroom, and Kennedy must be angry with her.

For a moment, Charlotte panicked and didn’t know what to do.

“Open the door.”

Kennedy said.

Charlotte was shocked and whispered, “No.”

Outside the bathroom, Kennedy frowned. He looked down at the bag in his hand and said coldly, “I will say it for the last time. Open the door.”

Charlotte, “......”

He always spoke in this tone before he lost his temper.

Charlotte was still afraid of him. Finally, she slowly opened the door for a crack and hid behind the door, only poking out half of her head to see Kennedy.

Kennedy’s eyes were cold, which made her tremble.

When Charlotte looked over, he was looking at her. Charlotte was startled and wanted to close the door.

A bag was handed over.

Charlotte was stunned, “What is that?”

“Do you want to come out naked?” Kennedy voice’s was cold.

How could Charlotte go out naked? She took Kennedy’s bag and found it was new clothes.

“Thank you.” She said.

Kennedy moved his sight and took a deep breath, “I will give you ten minutes.”

“Ok.” Charlotte closed the door and hung the bag on a hook next to her. She turned on the shower again and washed the foam off her body.


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