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Her Second Marriage, Being Mr. Moore's New Wife novel Chapter 513

Jack climbed onto the bed by himself, then covered himself with his own little quilt, and soon fell asleep.

Seeing his sweet sleeping face, Alice couldn't calm down at all.

At this time, she should be sleeping too.

However, her mind was in turmoil, and was full of the picture of Kennedy alone in the hospital.


Wise up!

He was Kennedy, an adult! Not a three-year-old kid!

She told herself, "He doesn't need your care at all. Keep thinking of he is humiliating yourself. You are not his nanny. Why do you care about him so much?"

After persuading herself, Alice went to bed and lay down.

She closed her eyes, lay down in a daze for a while, then opened her eyes again.

Time was passing by little by little, and it was almost eleven o'clock by now.

In the end, Alice couldn't resist the torture in her heart. She got up lightly, grabbed her phone and found out that Kennedy had sent her several messages.

{Didn't you say you will come over when you have time? If you are busy now, then I will wait. }

This message was sent to her when she put down her phone.

Then after half an hour, Kennedy asked.

{Are you still not free? }

After no response, he sent one message again.

{I'm waiting for you at the entrance of the hospital. Come here when you are free and you can see me as soon as you arrive at the hospital. }

It was sent at 9:00.

At 9:30, {I have been waiting for half an hour. Alice, do you really want me to wait any longer? }

At 10:00, {I am hungry}

At 10:30, {I felt a bit cold}

At 11:00, {Not coming yet? There was no one at the entrance of the hospital. }

This message had just been sent to her. Alice's look changed. She it was only a few minutes after he sent the message. Damn it.

He wouldn't wait for her at the hospital door now, would he? Hadn't he eaten anything all night?

Thinking of him waiting for her at the entrance of the hospital with the injury on his back for several hours, Alice couldn't care about anything at this time. She only felt that she was a sinner and could not care about anything else. She grabbed a coat and draped it and went out.

At late night, Alice rushed to the gate of the community alone to take a taxi and then went directly to the hospital.

It was about 20 minutes' drive from here to the hospital. Alice read the last message and felt very anxious.

Kennedy was an adult. How could he be as reckless as a teenager?

Alice scolded him hundreds of times in her heart, urging the driver, "Sir, please hurry up, my friend is still waiting for me."

The driver was driving slowly. When he heard her request, he nodded, "Okay, I can drive faster, but safety is the most important."


Alice looked down at the phone again, Kennedy didn't send her a message.

She didn't know if he had gone back.

Twenty minutes later, Alice finally arrived at the entrance of the hospital. After paying, Alice pushed the door and got out of the car. She ran over quickly, but did not see Kennedy at the entrance of the hospital.


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