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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 62

Chapter 62 You're So Unwilling to Marry Me

Realizing that Raymond was serious, Bethany was truly startled and angry!

"Raymond, we agreed before that I would only pretend to be your fiancée, and we wouldn't actually get a marriage certificate. How can you go back on your word?" Bethany angrily questioned.

Hearing this accusation, Raymond also felt displeased and emphasized, "Indeed, I said you would pretend to be my fiancée. But it was you, not me, who said you wouldn't get a marriage certificate. So your words don't count for me!"

"How can you be so unreasonable? You didn't explicitly say it, but your intentions were clear. You told me not to think about getting ahead, so why are you going back on your words?"

As Bethany spoke, Raymond's expression worsened.

Seeing Raymond speeding up without responding to her words, Bethany spoke again, "Are you even listening to what I'm saying? Getting a marriage certificate is a choice made by two people in love. We are just pretending. I don't want to get a marriage certificate, so stop the car!"

She had already obtained a marriage certificate with a man before, even though he was technically a living dead and she had never met him. The procedures were specially handled by Mrs. Gina and were legally valid.

While Melisa was currently in the identity of a dead person, she would eventually have to approach Mrs. Gina for a child. It was only a matter of time before Melisa's death would be exposed.

She didn't know if that man was still alive, but if he was, he was still her lawful husband. So, from both a personal and legal standpoint, she would never get a marriage certificate with Raymond!

Raymond's face had turned dark and menacing, but he still remained silent, and the car continued to accelerate.

Bethany was starting to feel afraid with such high speed, so she held onto the handrest tightly and raised her voice, "Raymond, I know you're used to giving orders, but getting a marriage certificate is a mutual decision. It's not something I have to obey just because you order me to. I disagree, I don't want to get a marriage certificate with you. Do you hear me?"


Bethany hadn't finished speaking when Raymond suddenly slammed on the brakes. Luckily, Bethany was buckled up, or her head would have hit the dashboard hard.

"You're so unwilling to marry me?" Before Bethany could react, Raymond had already pounced on her, his eyes filled with anger. "Do you know how many women in this world dream of marrying me? Now that I want to give you a status, it's your blessing. Don't be so ignorant!"

Raymond was genuinely irritated. He had made up his mind to get a marriage certificate with Bethany, and yet she was rejecting him like this. How could he not be angry?

"If so many women want to marry you, then why do you insist on marrying me?" Bethany explained earnestly, "What you thought before, like me wanting to get ahead or playing mind games, those were all malicious speculations you made. I have never thought that way, never!"

As Bethany finished speaking, the atmosphere in the car changed. Raymond's veins were bulging, and his expression was like that of a bloodthirsty lion which was truly terrifying.

"Bethany, I'm asking you one more time. Do you or do you not want to get a marriage certificate with me?!"

Bethany admitted that he was truly frightening in this state, but she couldn't and wouldn't back down.

"I won't go!" Bethany said firmly. "Even if you were to tie me up and take me to City Hall, my answer would still be the same. I won't get a marriage certificate with you!"

As Bethany finished speaking, Raymond clenched his fist tightly, and the sound of bones cracking echoed sharply. He looked like he could strangle her to death.

Bethany felt a bit intimidated and avoided his angry gaze, her heart beating faster.

"Get out of the car!" Suddenly, Raymond ordered harshly.

Getting out of the car?

Bethany had been highly nervous due to fear just now, so she didn't immediately react to those words. Then, Raymond shouted at her, "I told you to get out of the car!"

After Bethany got off the car, Raymond's car quickly sped away.


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