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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Tyrone Scolded Raymond Severely

"Just now, when I went out, I passed by a store with lots of children's toys, so I bought some for you."

Since these were bought by Nolan, they were all toys for boys. Damion was a little anxious, worried about whether Shayla would like them or not.

"You bought toys for me?" Shayla looked at the two big bags in surprise. "Are they all for me?"

"Yes," Damion said anxiously. "But I don't know if you'll like them. If you don't, just let me know what you like next time, and I'll buy them for you."

Shayla couldn't hear much anymore and immediately took the two big bags, taking out the toys inside.

After seeing these toys, Shayla was so shocked that he almost went dumb!

"Wow, these are high-end LEGO sets! I saw a set like this before, and it was worth tens of thousands!" Shayla couldn't believe her eyes.

"Do you like them?"

"Of course! I love them! I've never played with such high-end toys in my life!" Shayla felt incredibly happy.


After the happiness subsided, Shayla looked at Damion with surprise and then firmly grabbed his face, leaving Damion bewildered.

"Tyrone, did you switch souls again? Did you switch back from the soul that loves to scold and bully people to the soul of a domineering brother who spoils his sister?"

Scold and bully people... Was she referring to Tyrone?

And he was a domineering brother who spoilt his sister?

"Shayla, do you like me more than him?" Damion realized his mistake right after asking and immediately corrected himself. "No, what I meant was, do you like this soul of mine and not the other one?"

"Of course! Who wouldn't love a generous, tolerant, and doting brother?" Shayla pleaded, "Tyrone, please stay as you are this time. Don't switch back again, I beg you. I don't want to go out to work at such a young age."

"Work?" Damion was shocked to hear that. Tyrone wanted Shayla to go out to work?!

"Yes, you mentioned it a few days ago, saying that we should go out and find part-time jobs to earn money. I wanted to scold you so badly. If you want to work, do it on your own. Why drag me into it? It's so unethical," Shayla complained.

"Yes, you're right," Damion nodded in agreement. "It's very unethical. Too unethical!"

"Achoo!" Just then, Tyrone sneezed loudly. Who was cursing at him?

At that moment, they heard the sound of a car entering the yard. Tyrone immediately sat on the sofa in the living room, assuming a pose ready to interrogate.

Raymond entered and saw Tyrone sitting on the sofa with a cold face, glaring at him with anger in his eyes.

"Damion, it's late. Go to sleep," Raymond said.

"I'm too angry to sleep," Tyrone replied. "I was so angry this afternoon that I didn't even eat. I feel like my lungs are about to explode."


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