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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Raymond Had Known That 

Upon hearing this, Bethany gave a wry smile. 

“What?” Raymond said deliberately, “Are you happy that you have successfully pleased my son?” 

“Raymond, I don't want to talk to you about this anymore,” Bethany pleaded helplessly, “You have both physical and mental sequelae. I can treat your physical sequelae, but I really can't do anything about your mental sequelae. Can you find a psychologist?” 

“Dr. Caldwell, so you think I’ve been paranoid, right?” 

“What else?” Bethany was about to cry. “I've never seen your son before, and I don't even know what he looks like. You called the police to arrest me and said I tried to please your son. If you're not paranoid, how to explain that? You’re a typical paranoid.” 

Looking at Bethany, Raymond felt that his conjecture had been verified, but still felt it unbelievable, thinking, "Does Damion look so similar to her son that she mistook Damion for him?” 

“I haven't seen your son yet,” Raymond said, “I've wanted to see him, but inexplicably, I haven't seen him.” 

“I'm sorry, you won’t see him lately,” Bethany said, “Tyrone and Shayla have been experiencing rural life for two weeks.” 

Since he couldn't see her son, Raymond opened his phone album and showed Bethany a photo of Damion. He deliberately asked, "Is this your son?” 

Seeing the photo, Bethany was greatly surprised and said, "Why do you have a photo of my son?” 

Before Raymond could say anything, she questioned with indignation, "You investigated me again? Raymond, what's wrong with you? Our relationship is fake. I'm just your doctor, but you had someone investigate my son. What are your intentions?” 

Seeing Bethany's subconscious reaction, Raymond believed she wasn't lying. 

“Are you sure this is your son?” 

“How can I not recognize my son?” Bethany replied. 

Raymond suddenly smiled and couldn't believe such a ridiculous thing that Damion and her son Tyrone looked so similar. 

Raymond recollected that day. Damion rebelled, ran out of the house, and coincidentally encountered Bethany, who mistook him for her son. Damion, who had always lacked maternal love, was suddenly melted by her gentleness. 

It turned out that Bethany never lied from the beginning, and she never thought about marrying Raymond. 

“What?” Bethany felt a little flustered, as Raymond, like a lunatic, first laughed and then was in concentration. “Are you going to be crazy again?” 

Raymond regained his composure and asked, "Your husband has passed away for so many years. Have you never thought of marrying someone else?” 

“You’re shifting the topic too quickly.” 

“Answer me.” 

“Although I’m your subordinate, your question has nothing to do with my job. Why must I answer it?” Bethany couldn't bear Raymond's mandatory tone. 

"If the female employees of our company fall in love with others, get married, and then become pregnant, their work will be affected, so you must answer my question!" 

“No!” Since he wanted to know the answer so much, Bethany replied firmly, “I won't marry anyone again. Never!” 

Bethany had always been very firm on this matter, at least for now. 

First, she had a relationship before, so she didn't want to or didn't have the courage to start another relationship. Most importantly, she once became someone else's bride and shamelessly gave birth to children. 

She didn't even know who that man was. Although she firmly believed that the children’s father was that man, the DNA result Mrs. Gina gave her showed that there was no match. 


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