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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 Raymond Begins to Doubt

A large study was furnished with exquisite desks and new furniture.

Sitting in the chair, Bethany felt a bit uncomfortable and also strange. Raymond's favorite decoration style was a cool and minimalist style, but the decoration here was quite warm.

She had been busy moving today, so hadn't had time to reply to her patients yet. Now, she started replying to the messages one by one.

She answered patiently to every message, including what medications to use, how to take the medications, and precautions until she saw one message.

"I often feel lazy and weak, have a weak appetite, and always think a lot. No medicine worked. Can you cure me?"

Seeing this message, Bethany frowned and thought, "Is this a freak again?"

"How long have you been like this?"

Upon seeing this question, Raymond narrowed his eyes slightly with a wicked smile on his face and texted, "I was born like this."

"May I ask your age?"

"38 years old," Raymond answered casually.

"Have you been like this for 38 years?"


Feeling the joy of a prank, Raymond couldn't help but laugh. Suddenly, he felt weird.

He was a person who didn't even joke and was always serious. He never dreamed that one day he would do such a prank online.

"I suggest you get yourself a job and don't be so idle every day."

Upon seeing the reply, Raymond laughed heartily.

"Psycho!" After closing this dialog, Bethany couldn't help but curse, "He interprets laziness so innocent. What a 38-year-old baby. Doesn't he feel ashamed?"

Tyrone had just taken a shower and came out of the bathroom. Passing by the door of the study, he saw Raymond laughing through the half-closed door and was startled.

He had been pretending to be Damion for so long, and it was his first time to see Raymond smile so happily. "What is he looking at?" He was curious.

Tyrone gently pushed the door in and tiptoed to Raymond. He recited the words on the screen, "I suggest you..."

Clap! Raymond quickly closed his laptop and asked, "When did you come in?"

"When you were laughing happily," Tyrone asked curiously, "Daddy, what were you looking at just now? You were laughing so happily just now?"


"Are you in love?"

Raymond was confused by his question.

"I heard Nolan say that people tend to have silly giggles when they are in love, just like you did just now."

"What the hell has Nolan taught you? Hurry back to sleep!" Raymond scolded.


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