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Her Soul and His Blood novel Chapter 30

When it came to attacking they never played by the rules. They will take it to them when they weren't expecting it.

Mr. Peterson and Mr. Benjamin walks into the heart of the dark forest. Screams broke out.The men rushed forward shouting orders. Swords clashed,guns fired, more shouting,more screaming, more running and then they vanished into the darkness. Mr. Peterson could see his army outclans vanishing into the darkness at every blink. Sweats started to drop from their foreheads. Their fangs are out and they were alert.

"James, William, John ,..." Mr. Peterson called out in a tremulous voice.

"Pete, what is happening." Mr. Benjamin said tightly.

"I know something is going wrong and we will find out soon." He raised his eyebrows, closed his fist tight, his eyes changed color from brown to crystal violet.

"Master" Mr. Benjamin pointed his hands towards the heap of bodies, lying one above the other, badly injured and blood flowing like a river.

"This is not possible, they are strongest men. They cannot be defeated so easily."he said in his taut tone,glancing around not focusing on anything,moistening his dried lips, jaw tense, spasm crossing his face, digging nail into his palms. He stiffened at his question,hearts stumbling over its own rhythm.

Three shadows were visible , standing with a blade in one of their hands which shines when the moonlight strikes on it, blood flowing through the edges of the blade, studying them with unforgiving judgement.

Mr. Peterson and Mr. Benjamin could not figure out their faces. Their hearts were racing with anger. With a lightning speed Mr. Peterson striked one down. His face washed blank with confusion, like his brain cogs couldn't turn fast enough to take in the information from his wide eyes. Every muscle of his body just froze before his anger could burst up.

He stood on his leg, letting the one whom he hit to the ground to stand. His eyes transfixed with horror, unable to look away no matter how much they wished to. The line of his mouth tightened a fraction more. He could no longer see anything but the threat.

"What are you doing with them ?" Mr. Peterson snapped gravelly.

"May be this is time to be real." He thrown him off to the ground, punching his face making him to vomit blood.

"You should lower your voice step father."Lance said with a smirk on his face.

He punched his face again showing his fang pointing it towards him. Mr. Peterson threw him away to the ground.

"Im your dad son, what happened to you ?" Mr. Peterson said in his manly voice.

Chapter 30: 30. His Revenge 1


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