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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne novel Chapter 139

Chapter 139 A little push

The men both shifted uncomfortably in their chairs after William spoke. No one missed the nervous glances they threw at each other before they tried to regain their composure and straightened themselves. This wasn’t going to end well for either of them, she could tell by the way William watched them like they were his prey.

Edward cleared his throat. “What do you mean, Prince William? We have no knowledge of any starving villages in the north. As you’re aware, it’s not our place to mess with anything to do with the north. If they haven’t figured out how to ration their food supplies, that is not our concern.”

Warm plates of food were brought out by a few servants the moment he finished his sentence. The two men didn’t even look at the servants or thank them as they placed the plates across the table. Almost as if they weren’t even people to him.

The options were endless and made Doris’s mouth water, but also filled her with rage. While they were here enjoying themselves on endless food and choices, people were running low in the north. Dangerously low. They ate whatever they had and didn’t dare complain about it.

It irritated her further knowing that they didn’t expect any guests and all this food was prepared for the two of them. She couldn’t imagine how much went to waste each week from these men. Food that could feed a few families and then some. How could someone be so selfish? 1

William eyed the men, they didn’t dare reach for the silverware. They sat right in their chairs and they even had the nerve to look a little guilty at the ridiculous spread of food. There seemingly was no celebration of any sort, which meant they were used to eating this much.

“I know you are responsible for food distribution to the north once their taxes are paid. I saw first hand how little stock they had. Not from just one, but from several villages. Food they need to feed their families.”

Doris watched William speak like a true prince. He didn’t sit back and let his men talk for him, he took control and steered the conversation in his direction. She admired that about him more than usual. She wasn’t the only one that was changing.

“Prince William…” Edward leaned back in his chair and had the nerve to look sorry. “I don’t think you understand how much we send them. If they are already low, it’s not on our heads. They are the ones that.”

William slammed his hand against the table to silence him. “I didn’t ask you to feed me lies. I asked you to tell me why you’re not sending them enough to live on. What I saw was horrifying, it wasn’t even enough to finish out the month.”

“We simply don’t have enough food to send them more. We can’t risk our own villages starving.”

William looked around at all the food on the table. All the meats and sides that were more than enough for two men. “Were you planning on feeding half the village tonight?”

“We-well, we saw you coming,”

“There is nothing I hate more than a liar, gentlemen. This food was done before we got here and you had no intentions of sharing with anyone but your trash.” William leaned towards them. His voice was low and filled with a silent rage that sent goosebumps across her skin. “I want their villages to be fully stocked before the sun comes up tomorrow.”

“Prince William, please. You don’t understand how impossible that is for us,”

William stood. “I want to try out a new strategy.” He clapped his hands and all of his guards entered. Enzo looked on in confusion that was quickly masked. William nodded to his guards and they crossed the room and hauled up the two men like they were nothing.

“Hey-what the hell are you doing?” Mal shouted. Edward desperately tried to get out of their hold, but he barely moved an inch.

“I could throw you in jail for cursing at a royal, but for now we will try out my newest idea.” William reached across the table and took a piece of meat on his fork before he bit into it roughly. One of the servants came in the room and widened their eyes at the scene before them. William smiled at them-though it didn’t reach his eyes.

“Is there a closet in this house?” He asked politely. “Smaller the better.”

Y-yes your majesty. Follow me.” She bowed. When the men started to object, his guards smacked them in the head. Doris and Enzo quickly got up to follow them out of the room.

“I want you to know what it’s like to starve.” William said over their shouts. “We’re going to enjoy this magnificent feast and if you two get hungry, I might allow you to have a bit of water.”

“More?! Are you mad—“ The man coughed violently as if he tried to swallow the words back, but it was too late. He’d already said them and William clenched his jaw at their words “We can’t do that, your majesty.”

“Then I hope you understand more when you’re left without food for a few days.” William turned from the door and faced the servants that only looked as if they wanted to cower away from him and hide into the walls. Doris didn’t blame them.


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