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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne novel Chapter 167

Chapter 167 A new worry

Doris paced the small tent for what felt like hours. The dirt on the floor marked her small path she took back and forth where she wasn’t a step out of rhythm. She wasn’t even sure how much time had passed since they arrived at the camp, but she knew William would come for her soon and she would have to tell him.

Briefly, she wondered if it was possible for her to keep it a secret until she was positive that she was with child. But the thought of him finding out that she hid it from him was worse than telling him now. At least if she was wrong, he could let go of his worries.

What if he didn’t want this? She couldn’t imagine that he would. He’d lived his whole life being free and living for no one but himself-now she threatened that lifestyle for him. She remembered all the times he told her she didn’t matter or that he didn’t need a mate. What would he say to this?

Beth left her to her own thoughts soon after she settled in. It was wise for her friend to leave before he got here. If only she could disappear too. It would be so easy to take her packed bag and leave in the middle of the night with one of the horses

“Doris.” A deep voice startled her right out of her thoughts as it always did. Doris turned to see William by the entrance. His arms were crossed over his chest as he watched her pace like a pathetic fool.

“William.” Doris cleared her throat and forced her shaky hands to remain still at her sides. She knew he watched every move she made as if he was calculating it all in his mind. She was not his prey, she would be stronger than that.

William crossed the room and seated himself on the edge of the bed near her. She wanted to force him to stand and face her, but him sitting almost made her calmer. As if he wasn’t as big as he was before and she could handle him now. “Do you want to tell me what’s wrong or do I have to force it out of you?”

Doris picked at her nails silently before she finally went to sit next to him. “Okay. I don’t know how to say this because I’m not even sure of it myself.” Doris started. He remained silent and she tried to pretend that she was alone just so she had enough nerve to say it out loud-even with his eyes burning into her. “Beth thinks I might be with child.” She blurted out.

Silence. Deafening, awful silence filled the room. Doris pinched herself to remind herself that this moment was real and she wasn’t drowning in her own misery alone. She opened her mouth to say more, but nothing would come out.

“When did you discover this?” William finally asked. He hadn’t moved an inch towards her. It sounded as if he was holding his breath more than anything. Perhaps he was about to choke on the information.

“I’m still not sure if it’s even true but Beth thinks my nausea and dizziness these past few  days might be the symptoms of pregnancy but she isn’t positive yet either.”

“Past few days?” William stood. “Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?”

“I thought you had enough to deal with, William. I didn’t want to add to your long list.”

William dropped to his knee in front of her so he could be eye level. She leaned back a little to take in his full expression. Worry? Dread? She couldn’t tell what he felt in the slightest-and she hated that. “You shouldn’t have hidden that from me.”

“I thought it would have passed but it comes and goes at least once a day. I didn’t, this was the last thing I would have guessed it was.” Doris hesitated. “What does this mean?

“It means you’re not going anywhere near the battlefield. I should have you taken to where they have Daniel-”

“William.” Doris sighed and took his face in her hands. She could see his mind spinning faster than his mouth and that was always dangerous. “What does this mean?”

William gripped her hands but didn’t move them from his face. “It means we will get you checked and it means I will do everything to keep you safe. If anyone looks at you strange, I’ll rip their head off before they can explain themselves.”

Doris rested her forehead against his own. Slowly she felt her worry start to burn away but never completely. “I wasn’t sure how you were going to act.”

William stayed silent.

“Tell me what’s going through your mind to distract me from my own.” Doris whispered.

“I’m thinking about my father.” William said quietly. “I wonder how he felt when he learned his mate was with child-with me.”

“I’m sure he had the need to protect her too.”

William kissed her palm before he stood. “I’m going to go see if the medical tent is up yet. They might not know for sure, but they must have something that would help.” He grumbled.


“I just need a minute.” He said before he left her. Doris watched the entrance for eternity wondering if he would pop back in. It wasn’t until it grew dark that she realized he had truly left her when she needed him the most.

Me.” Doris said simply. His grip tightened on her and he flipped her over to face him.


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