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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne novel Chapter 188

Chapter 188 Its a rescue mission 

Doris led Enzo through the house as silently as she could. They looked over every corner and tried to take paths that wouldnt lead them straight to one of Martins guards. This wasnt the palace, she couldn’t pretend to be a maid and blend in with the crowd. They all knew exactly who she was, and where she wasn’t supposed to be.

Do you think theyll work it out?Doris whispered to Enzo as they crouched in a corner. Two guards lingered down the hallway they needed to pass through and were taking their sweet time to move on.

Some people are never meant to be in each others lives, even if theyre related.Enzo said quietly with his eyes on the guards. I think if they want to work it out, they will. But it might take years before they get to a place where theyre okay. I was almost afraid to leave them alone together, but William wanted you out of there.” 

I know that deep down William wants that sort of connection. I can see it on his face.Doris said sadly. The guards down the hall started to finally move towards the exit. “Perhaps one day they can find that with each other. Or at least some sort of peace. I know he cares so much for Daniel.

Their issues are so deep into the surface, I fear they would drown with one misstep. Im not sure if either of them are capable of healing each other. But Daniel is a different story. Im sure theres plenty of hope there once he forgives William for all of this.” 

Enzo gripped her hand and led her across the hallway silently. Once they were through the doors, Doris stopped him. I have no idea how to get to the lower cells, what if were going the wrong way?” 

We wont know the right way until we try.Enzo pulled a knife from his belt and pressed it into her palm. Use it if any of them try to grab you. Do not hesitate because they wouldnt hesitate for you.” 

Thank you. My wolf is still sleeping, I dont know when shell wake.Doris sighed and rubbed her chest

Enzo looked at her strangely until it seemed to hit him. They have the drugs that the rogues used on you? I wasnt told that the kingdom had any sort of supply here.

Martin said that his mother got them from the rogues, Im not sure how much they have or if they used most of it on me.Doris whispered. They walked briskly down the empty hall and paused at the end

Just be careful, we don‘t want them to inject you any more. The drug hasnt been tested enough. I dont know how bad of an outcome it will have on your wolf if you get too much in your system at once. She might never wake up if they overdose you.” 

Doris widened her eyes, but he gestured for her to stay quiet. They hurried down the next hallway and stopped at a door near the end. Cautiously, Doris opened it and saw a set of stairs that led down. It might be down here. I didn‘t even know there were cellars until he said he put Beth in one. He showed me everything else about this house but conveniently left that out.Doris muttered

Enzo gripped her hand and led her down into the darkness, careful not to let her fall. Did your maid do anything that caused him to do this? Martin didnt seem the type to throw random maids into cells.” 

No! Shes the kindest person I know. He only did it because he knows how much she means to me.” Doris paused when she heard someone’s steps approach them. Enzo pulled her into a shadowy hole and held her still until they passed.

Enzo gestured for her to follow. They stayed low to the ground as they hurried along the walls. She wanted to take her boots off and throw them because they sounded so loud, but it wouldn‘t be wise. She needed sturdy boots in case they had to run. Still, it made her cringe every time she took a small step

Enzo gripped Doris to stop when they hit another corner. At the end were three tall guards that stood in front of a metal door. Doris could only guess that was where the cells were located. Even from the outside it looked dark and unfriendly. It all only made her want to reach her friend sooner and free her from the scary darkness.

What do we do? It doesnt look like they‘re going to leave.Doris whispered to Enzo

He looked in thought at the guards as if he was trying to solve a puzzle in his mind. He suddenly gripped her shoulder and pushed himself up. Stay here, theyll recognize you immediately if you come with me. Ill try to talk to them.” 

Enzo, they will know who you are and will know that youre not meant to be there.” Doris hissed, but he was already stepping out into their line of view 

Instantly, the guards were on alert when they saw Enzo. Sir, what are you doing down here? This area is forbidden.” 

“I seemed to have gotten turned around from my group. Do you know where the main ballroom is?Enzo asked as he kept getting closer to them. It set Doriss heart into a race

Her heart banged in her ears, but not loud enough to prevent her from hearing something behind her. A large hand reached out to grab her, but she was faster. She moved out of his grasp and turned to see one of the guards from the ballroom glaring at her

Youre not supposed to be down here!His booming voice alerted the guards that Enzo was supposed to be distracting. Enzo immediately dodged their blows and stuck his knife in one of them before they could do the same to him

The large man tried to grab her, she ducked under his arm and grabbed the knife at his belt

You sneaky little bitch!He growled. He grabbed Doris by her hair and she stabbed him in the arm with his own knife. His screams could have torn down buildings. He shoved her away from him and pulled the knife out to send blood gushing from his wound

Get her!He screeched. Two of the guards tried to break off away from Enzo, but he tackled one of them to the ground before they could reach her

Hasnt anyone ever told you to pick on someone your own size?Enzo said as the guard shoved him off

Doris took the knife Enzo gave her and pulled it out right when the other guard cornered her. He lunged to grab her arms before she could stab him, but he was too late. She plunged the knife into his stomach and he went down with a heavy thud

The large man brought her to the ground when her back was turned. He slammed her head against the floor and made her see stars for a moment. She heard the sound of Enzos grunts and knew he was too distracted to help with her

She had to save herself

The man wrapped his hands around her throat, but she knew he wouldnt kill her. Martin wanted her alive, she had that advantage


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