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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Im sure it11 be one big bore

Heth’s frin Hitlened this on SUKESELHI, but Dans only and at han An if she had lost 1 mil. “We can’t 15 Prince Martin for help. Beth! What are you thinking? There was no WHY Frince Martin would be able to help her, let alone care there she ended up. He had more impotant things to worry about than maid who was being mistreated. He was the clown prince. after all Dang bet she never even Croesed his mind since she’d left the library. Why would she?

“I siw Prince Martin in the library the other day.” Erth lawrred her voice and neared Doris with a quick glance över her shoulder to make surC no one was listening. “He looked as if he were hoping someone might show up, and I think he Wis hoping it was you.” u

Doris furrowed her brows at her friend and would have laughed if her ribs didn’t hurt. Beth did love her gossip, but this was ridiculous. “Perhaps he was waiting

for his Incly to join hlmBeth. Don’t be

“In the library! Te Meyer her R amet the Life with Prince Martin” Beth id. “I don’t kno, L . Furhaps he mi YOUT company and i haping you would retum H that’s then he would be more than happy to help you relocate from Melady!

Dis didn’t want to break her friend’s hopefulness but she new Prince Mantle wasn’t standing ruund waiting lar H to show up at the library. He was kind to her in the past, but he was

kind man to everyone he’d met.

Daris ke how much Prince Martin enjoyed the library, it wasn’t odd to hear he’d been there looking lost when she was sure it was most likely because he couldn’t find the night book he wanted to Trad. Dons herself had calipht that it look on his face many times before. She briefly wondered if he was soll writing small notes in that sime copy of Moon Fusing he loved

Doris offered a small sinile. “I don’t think he was hoping for me, Beth. Why would he waste his time hoping a maid would


E by En Vise Him

ver the chest. I think he mi You there to talk to the very C

hrin .

“He is a kind an, Feth. That is all He’s Het going to help me with Melody.” Will you at least consider in him?” Ecth pleaded. Honela out a small sghi.

“Yes, I’ll consider it.” llons knew she wouldn’t change her mind about the suliject, but Heth wanted same sort af hope to hold anto. She was prateful for her friend that cred so much, but it wasn’t as simple as she thought it was.

Doris moved to get up, but Beth hade her lay back again.

“Oh no you don’t, you still need to rest. Don’t worry. I won’t go anywhere.” Beth Send herself by Doris’s bed and opened a small book “I brought something to Tead to you, I know how much you love stories and I thought this fairytale miglit help you feel a little better.”

Beth stayed with Doris for hours, never once hinting that she wanted to leave. It

arength to make it lick to


Shund und dressi. Em thn. Buth Lid tu Ovine Hr Eu Sep for at the few hours before h en attempted to leave, buat Daris was tired of lying for so long

“Are you sure you don’t want to walk you back to your Nam” Both asked in they passed her room-Laris’s old TOHTL.

“I’m positive, there’s no need for you to eu back and forth, I’ll make it then just Fine.” Dons offered a smile and squeezed her friend’s hand lightly before she turned away

Each step was its own small any. She felt the pain shoot up fron her feet and vibrate through her body right to the areas Melody kicked her the hardest. The doctor wanted her to test more, and Doris wished she was allowed to fall into bed and sleep far days until it all went away. The only thing that stopped her from doing so was the thought of Melady forcing her from her Test just to shine her shoes or some other useless task. There was no point in hoping Melody would leave her be until she fully recovered, it

Doris mowy Eloy down the impied hall, at least no ath eke was around to

HVE a habit od h


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