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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Why didn’t you tell thern what they wanted to hear

Drops of rainwashed against her the waking Dexte from an already draful sleep. It was had to Flow here is even moment without WONYM

tout et sound she heard. Every Teak made her think she was coming for her, only to brin was nothing more than the old palace settling in for The night. Each time she heard Moottips, she bed until they faded down the hall and far y from her deer. When she did finally fel, it was new lar lang Achil in the air of rain from outside always woke her like a reset button for her Wome. When would they came for her

Doris hid finally gotten bertseerattar a few days of pwing in her own fear. Her cell door slid openi without a winning in the dead of night. Two guards stomped their way in and forced to up from her bed without a Word. Doris ped ind felt the Pressure of their hold anly tightenis ifta silence her. She clamped her lips shut and follored them dawn the hallway. They led her to 1 room that looked Hke a bigger cell than the one she’d just left Instead of bars, it had four stone wars. It was just as damp. but held na bed.

Instead, there was one chals in the center of the TOOT with chains around the an ts Jack Anthony stood with his hands clasped behind his back and chin held high. His long hair was thed back and he wore all black as if he were headed to traini with the royal guard. Something about the way he stared at Doris made it very obvious he wasn’t

The quinds shared Doris inside and locked the door behind the Devils tried to keep her hands from shiling, she surled them into tists at her sides in hope it would help. Jack marked her very IVE with his dark eyes, the side of this mouth lifted slightly in an unkind inner

“Chain her to the chair. If she gives us any problems, we’ll mow her to the wall.” He said the Temaved his jacket and set it neatly on a heak by the door. The two guards forced her to sit and wrapped thick chains around her wrists to the arms of the chair

“Please” Doris whispered, Jack tumed and Smacked her harshly across har check. Tears blurred her eyes the pain camesconds later, she Hele her entire body tremble and wasn’t able to stop

Jack gripped her chin and yanked her head back to look up at him. “You know why you’re here, don’t you!” Doris pressed her lips together and nodded slowly. too afraid to speak. “That’s right, you poisoned that useless girl.” Jack released her and leaned down to her eye level.

You want to know what I think? i think you meant that soup to be for my mother. I think you wanted her to be the one to wind up dead on the ground, but you got the bowls mixed up. Isn’t that right?

“N-no! No, I would never poison anyone! Especially not Luna—” Jack hit her again with more force. For

second, her entire world spun around her until her sight straightened again.

“I was hoping you would have learned something in that cell, but I see you still can’t help but lie.” Jack

y La v.AIIN

Ticked a piece of lint of himself and glared down at Duris. I suppose I’ll have to try s e mere dratic Tactics to wring the truth out of you, aren’t I?


“No please, I am telling the truth! I never meant to hurt anyone, I thought the soup had something Luna Queen was allergic to so I gave it to Melody. I didn’t realize it was poison!” Doris tasted a bit of blood that dripped from her nose from his last hit. Tack stared at her silently as she explained herself, his expression was almost thoughtful-until it

“Did Prince Williarn ask you to poison Luna Queen?” Jack asked suddenly, the question startled Doris for a moment.

“What? Of course not—- Jack didn’t let her finish, he curled his hand into a fist and hit her as hard as he could. The chair tilted back from the force and almost sent Doris crashing to the ground, he grabbed the arms of the chair and righted her before she could. Her head ached in every spot, for a moment she couldn’t see where he was standing

“I saw you hesitate, don’t lie to me girl.” He growled. “I know Prince William put you up to this, I heard from the other maids that you spent the night with him.”

Doris parted her lips, a bit of blood leaked out but she couldn’t remember how to form words for a moment.



Doris screamed again when he slammed the cane down a second time on the same foot. He threw the cane across the room when it snapped from the



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