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Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32

what will you do with her


Harls Mlinched a little bit Prince William hered to help her up. A flash of something that looked life He neid his feature but it was gone before the could focus on L He gently removed her chains and hauled her to her wet, his eyes searched her face when she wined but he said nothing. Prince Jacht Binod and stumbled out as the daar as he was Erying to beat them to the court, but Prince William Lared him as he took – handkerchief from his jucket and dabbed at the blood on her face. The soft

esture surprised her more than he allowed to show. He was a close to her, their faces only inches apart and for once he didn’t look angry ar annoud with her. Her shaly hand took the cloth from him and wiped some of the blood herself he watched her for a moment with a frow before he turned and made his way to the door. It is obvious he wanted her te follow him, she allowed herself to catch her breath before she limped after him. Prince Jack must have hit her left leg harder than she thought, it was agonizing to even put a little pressure on it. Prince William didn’t rush her, he showed his steps when he realized she couldn’t walk very fast. For a moment, it looked like he wanted to offer his um but looked angry at himself for even considering being nice. He probably felt bad she was almost beaten to her death before a fair judging. It was a miracle that the trial was moved to nightfall, otherwise she wasn’t sure if she would have survived till morning. She’d never forget the


murderous look intPince dik’s when he strangled her. She would’ve worn it was the end for her if Prince William hadn’t interfered. For OTH in her life, she was grateful to him Once they pushed through the doon, a silence fell over the inside. All eyes fell on Doris and she wished she could have hidden behind Prince William’s large frame but she kept firm and walked

There was a small podium with large tables on each side. One for the defense and the other for prosecution she assumed. Doris had never been in this room of the palace, she always thought she was lucky to be so far away from any of the courts business. Not today, it seemed. How did she get here? Just a few months ago, the library was all she’d known. Now it seemed she was the only one most of the royals glared at. There were more seats in the crowd for those to sit and watch what was to become of her. It was filled with so many royals, it made her blood chill from the sight. The king was stated in a throne by the table with his family spread on each side of him, he watched her with a little pity in his gaze as she limped to the other table. Prince Jack was already Seated next to his mother, his suit had a bit of her blood on it as well as some of his own from his nose. He glared at both of them from the second they entered, she quickly looked away. A small sense of satisfaction grew inside her knowing he suffered a little bit for what he did to her. Luna Queen sat tall and tense with Lady Grace Fearby. Prince Daniel was seated away from them and he stood when he saw Doris. A flush of anger reddened his cheeks as he glared at Prince William as if he thought he was the one that caused it. Doris wished she could silently explain who it was hout


IFTTT Martin looked just worried henül up small and followed her with his until the

lead where ince Willis directed. His iron ünly Fres h book in all the blood she didn’t have in

chance to wash ofl. How howbile she must look to ate

Luis Queca leaned back in her chair and raised her com

et on with it then and charge her.” Prince William stepped up to the podium and straightened his jacket. He didn’t spare on glance al Prince Jack as if he wasn’t even there. “Daris won’t be charged for anything.” He said, ignoring the mummuring that exploded from his first Comnent. Doris thought it must have been fare for anyone except his family to question Prince William *That’s absurd! She tried to kill me!” Luna Queen shrieked above the voices. Doris swayed a little on her feet. “She didn’t. I found the maid who put the Aconitum in the soup.” Prince Willam continued calmly, he raised his hand and the girl came forward. Doris didn’t recognize the maid, but she looked as if she’d been crying all night. The way she stared at Prince William made it obvious who she was to himni, though. “I-I did put the flower in the soup, but I had no idea it was poison!” She cried. “I would have never done it if I’d known it was poisoned. I just I didn’t want Prince William around Melody any longer. Everyone knows she doesn’t deserve him. I thought I tried to frame Melody as the one who put the flower in Luna Queen’s bowl because I knew she was allergic.




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