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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 11

  1. Have No Father

Frank’s pride hurt, but he didn’t know how to deal with it. He couldn’t possibly put the boy in a sack and throw him into the sea. The world could be in an uproar!

Meanwhile, Ben was amazed to hear how Louis quoted his sentence.

Smiling, he bent his knees so that their eyes were level. “Do your

understand what irrational means?”

Louis nodded. “Not logical thinking. The accusation from him was completely unreasonable. How could a toddler as cute as me be

called a spy?”

Ben’s laughter suddenly burst into the air. His hand moved to stroke Louis’ hair. “Please forgive that irrational mister, Little Man.

Sometimes, he is a bit crazy.”

As Frank glared at him, Ben pulled Louis to stand by his side. “Now, do you mind if I take you to meet your family? At which table are you guys having fun?”

Louis didn’t want the annoying man to know, so he answered Ben in a whisper. His hunch was right. Ben was the escape. Now, what Louis needed to do was to ensure that Kara didn’t get into trouble due to his mischief.


Kara was wide-eyed when she found their table empty. She glanced around in all directions, but her son was nowhere to be seen. Emily guessed that Louis was hiding under the table to scare them.

However, after she unveiled the tablecloth, she herself started to get scared.

“Where did Louis go, Mommy? Did someone kidnap him?” Her tiny


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“No one kidnapped me. I’m here.”

Kara and Emily turned around. Louis was walking towards them. A strange man held his hand.

“Louis!” Emily ran and hugged her brother. Her chubby cheeks looked very adorable when one of them met Louis’ shoulder. “Where have you been? Mommy and I thought you were lost.”

“Good evening, Madam. Sorry to worry you. Your son-”

“Take a walk to explore this restaurant.” Louis interrupted. “But this place is very big and majestic. I got lost. I was lucky to meet this kind mister.”

Seeing Louis’ innocent smile at him, Ben froze. He still found it hard to believe that such a smart kid existed.

“Why did you walk around, Louis? Didn’t Mommy ask you to wait at the table? You are causing trouble to this kind mister.”

“Not a problem at all, Ma’am. I’m actually happy to get to know your amazing son.”

Ben initially just smiled formally. However, after looking more closely at Kara’s face, the curve of his lips turned natural. He had traveled around the world, but he had never seen such a beautiful woman.

Even models like Isabela were not as bright as Kara was.

“Ben Wilson.” He held out his hand subconsciously. Kara

spontaneously greeted him.

“Kara Martin.” She widened her smile then turned her gaze to her son. “Louis, is there something you need to say to Mr. Wilson?”

Louis nodded swiftly. While holding his sister’s hand, he looked up. Thank you very much, Mr. Wilson. I am glad to meet you.”


“You’re welcome, Little Man. I now understand where you inherited your perfect face from.” Ben glanced at Kara. The woman blushed slightly. However, from her relaxed body movements, it was clear that she was used to receiving such praise.

“Then, who is this Beautiful Princess? Is she your sister? Wait a minute. Are you twins?” Ben widened his eyes.

Holding her crown, Emily nodded. “Yes, Louis was born fifteen minutes earlier than me. We are fraternal twins.”

“Wow, you and your husband are very lucky to have such cute. children, Mrs. Martin.”


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