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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155 Your Final Mission
‘Dear Vivian,

Why didn't you reply to my letter? Do you intend to ignore me?

I know I'm guilty. But I hope one day you can understand. I'm doing this for my father. I couldn't possibly disappoint him because my life's calling is to make him proud.

Sorry if I'm too selfish, but please don't ignore my attention. This is the only way I can make amends for my mistake to you, to the child in your womb.’

The more letters he read, the greater his body trembled. Longing and regret kept to collide. When the two had mingled, he arrived at the final letter.

‘Dear Vivian,

How is Jeremy?

Every time I see Frank, I think of him. Every time I love Frank, I feel unfair to him.

Am I worthy to be called a father? I'm not sure myself. Is this the punishment I have to bear for the rest of my life?

If yes, will you forgive me?

If not, please don't throw away all my gifts. You deserve it.’

Rowan's hand immediately fell onto his lap. As the letter touched the floor, his tears rolled down his face.

"What have I done, Sean? Have I educated my children and grandchildren in the wrong way? I just want them to have a perfect life. But why ... why did I make them suffer?"

While Rowan sobbed, Sean picked up the letter and returned it to its original state. There were no words he dared to say.

"What's the point of me living all this time if my children and grandchildren hate me? My concern for them has been completely meaningless, Sean."

"Sorry, Sir. I don't think they hate you. Didn't Mr. Norman say that making you proud was his life's calling? He must really love you."

"But he also didn't like the way I educated him. He hated my treatment but tried to endure it." Rowan started clutching his chest. His breathing felt even heavier.

"I really don't deserve to live," he regretted, closing his eyes. His back started to bend down. "It's no use living a long life if my existence only makes things difficult for them."

Hearing the despair, Sean was called to take his boss' hand. He intended to calm him down. However, unexpectedly, the old man glared at him. His wrinkled hand gripped back.

"I think it's time for you to be free, Sean. I won’t hold you back anymore? Go! Go back to your family! I won't pressure you anymore. Your secret is safe with me."

The assistant's eyes widened slightly. After a blink, he muttered, "You mean it, Sir? You won't reveal my crimes to them?"

"Yes. They won't know that the husband and father they love has killed a lot. I will ask my secret agent to destroy your documents. And as your final mission, kill me."

Sean fell silent for a moment. His eyeballs trembled as he looked at his boss intently.

"Sorry, Sir. I can't. Death is not a way out of your life's problems."


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