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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 162

Chapter 162 The Most Special Inheritance
Seeing Emily's cute face, Morris' heart tingled. "Take it easy, Young Lady. Your father gets the most special inheritance."

After placing the documents on the table, he opened the bag. "This is the last legacy on the list."

Morris handed Frank a photo album along with an envelope with a gold seal. "For you, Rowan Harper's most beloved grandson."

Frank's mood suddenly turned blue. The light in his eyes dimmed. Swallowing hard, he received his due. "Thank you, Mr. Morison."

Morris widened his smile before showing a hand gesture. "Your grandfather wanted you to read the letter aloud and without tears."

Frank's breathing grew heavier. His shoulders lifted as he tried to expand his chest. "Okay."

While opening the envelope, he gulped. He was afraid his throat was too narrow to make normal voice.

"Hello, Frank Harper, my great grandson, the grandson I am very proud of." Frank paused to catch his breath.

"I have taught you for years. Seeing you become as successful as this, I want you to know that you are my most valuable masterpiece, the reason I keep being enthusiastic and want to live long."

Frank's shoulders began to shake. Emily and Louis competed to give him pats.

"It’s okay, Daddy. Don't cry."

"Yes! Great Grandpa wants Daddy to read the letter out loud and without crying."

Frank sniffed and nodded vaguely. Strengthening his heart, he continued reading.

‘I've given you everything I have. I've given you everything I can.

Therefore, you must understand why I did not give you an inheritance. You are able to get whatever you want. You no longer need anything from me.

The only thing I haven't given you is this album. I hope it could make you understand. Even though I educated you in an inappropriate way, I love you more than anything, including Savior and all my assets.

Warm regards, Rowan Harper.’

Frank ended the letter in a hoarse voice. When he turned his head, he immediately saw the proud gazes of the people around him.

"Good, Frank."

"Yes, great job, Daddy!"

Morris smiled at the closeness of the family. After putting the documents into his bag, he stood up.

"Because my task has been completed, I should leave. Further documents will follow. Thank you, Harpers."

"Thank you, Mr. Morison."

After the notary left, Frank opened the album. Emily moved to his right side to get a better look.

"Is that a photo of Daddy when Daddy was little?" Emily poked at the toddler in the first photo with his tiny finger.

"Yeah," Frank smiled faintly.

"Then that's Great Grandpa Rowan?" Louis pointed to the man holding the little Frank.

Frank nodded. His memories with Rowan began to flow following the moments immortalized in the picture. "This is the first time he took Daddy to the company."

"How about this? Great Grandpa taught Daddy to ride a horse?"

Frank glanced at Louis and nodded. "Yes. Great Grandpa is very good at horse riding."

"Is Great Grandpa also good at fishing?"

Frank looked the other way. Emily was blinking as she stuck her finger in another photo.

"Yes, he used to like fishing."


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