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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 17

  1. Break Down the Defenses

Instead of wavering, Kara returned the sharp gaze. “You don’t know anything about other’s lives either, Sir. But you always judge. You never forgive their mistakes and always think they are no better than


“Then are you better than me?”

Kara tried to shake her head, but her movements were limited. Her expression became colder and stiffer.

“No. I never compare myself with anyone. What is important to me is to live life as best as possible. I don’t care what other people think about me because the truth is only in my mind.”

“Bullshit! You even got angry when I called you a slut.”

“That’s because I can’t stand your arbitrary attitude. Just because your are a great CEO, you feel free to bully your employees. Don’t you realize? No one really likes you, Sir. They only care about money a the benefits they can gain from your power.”

Silence hung in the air. Kara looked at Frank with hatred, while Frank

looked at Kara with anger. Both of their eyes were filled with tears, coated with a variety of emotions too hard to describe.

“You know what?” Frank whispered. The corners of his lips twitched. ” Meeting you was the biggest misfortune in my life.”

Kara-snorted. Inwardly, she laughed mockingly. The world must have turned upside down.

Frank Harper was a criminal who ruined her life. Yet now, that

arrogant man was acting like a victim?

“Then throw me out of your life!” Kara exclaimed bluntly. “I would be

Kara didn’t care if she would be thrown into the sea or left in the wilderness with wild animals. She just wanted to get away from the man who always dimmed her world.

Tightening his jaw, Frank got out of the bed. His hands were clenched

as if there were many things he had to keep tightly within them.

“From this moment on, you are no longer my secretary or servant. When you leave that door, don’t ever show your nose in front of me. I

don’t want… to deal with you… anymore.”

Kara’s breath suddenly hitched. Her heart ached and her vision was blurred by the memory. She’s like being sucked into the past. Frank Harper also said those words when he left her four and half years ago.

The man hadn’t changed a bit. He remained arrogant and heartless, while Kara was still the same. She was helpless. She could only silently harbor her frustration.

‘Shouldn’t I be happy to be free from the twins’ father? But why does it feel so painful?’

“What are you waiting for? Get out of my life now.”

Frank’s voice was so low. There was no emphasis there, but the vibration was enough to pull Kara from her reverie.

Swallowing hard, that poor girl shifted to the edge of the bed. She didn’t dare look at Frank who was waiting beside the door, afraid that her tears would reveal the sadness that had been hidden for years.


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