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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170 S2| Annoying Guests

Louis walked over to Philip and then gave him his hands. The assistant swiftly took off his tiny boxing gloves.

“Thank you, Philip.”

"You're welcome, Young Master." Philip handed him a drinking bottle. Louis greeted him with a big smile.

"Philip, do you think Mommy and Daddy will come home with our baby brother?"

Philip stared wide eyed. His mouth was agape, confused about choosing words.

"Of course not, Louis," Emily said as she caught her little pink punching bag so it stopped swinging. “The mother cat alone was pregnant for 65 days. Moreover, humans. It will take at least 40 weeks for Mommy to give birth to our baby sister."

Louis' lips pursed. His brows furrowed as his cheeks puffed out. "You’re right. No matter how fast Daddy put the baby in Mommy's stomach, he’s still in there today."

While taking off Emily's boxing gloves, Philip bit his lips. His heart was tickled by the toddler's statements. "So, you guys want a little brother or a little sister?"

“I want a little sister, but Louis wants a little brother. We are still arguing,” Emily answered with pursed lips.

"Well then, I hope your younger siblings are also twins like you. Boy and girl."

Louis and Emily's eyes suddenly lit up, as if they had just found light.

“Why didn't we think of it before?”

"If our little siblings were twins, there would be so much fun!"

Suddenly, Emily hugged Philip's leg. Her cheeks blushed as they pressed the corners of her lips up. "Thank you, Philip. You gave us such a brilliant idea!"

Louis hugged his other leg. "Yeah! You are indeed the best assistant in the world!"

Chuckling, Philip patted the twins on the shoulder. His heart warmed. "It’s an honor to serve your family. Now, how about we go to the greenhouse? Mrs. Martin is choosing flowers to welcome your parents. You can help her."

“That's another great idea, Philip. Mommy and Daddy will definitely be happy if we welcome them with beautiful flowers." Emily cupped her own cheeks with both hands. Her head tilted slightly to the right.

At the same time, Louis hung a pink towel on her shoulder. “Don't pretend to be cute, Emily. Let’s hurry to help Grandma!"

Emily's eyes narrowed. “I’m not pretending. It’s true that I'm cute. Is that right, Philip?”

The assistant chuckled again. “That's right, Young Lady.”

While wiping his sweat with a blue towel, Louis let out a long sigh. "Okay, whatever." His tiny feet started to move. However, just a few steps later, his attention was distracted by the assistant's phone ringing.

"Yes?" Philip put the cell phone to his ear. After a few moments, his eyebrows knitted together. "Mrs. Harper?"

Louis and Emily exchanged glances. They both knew something was wrong. When Philip hung up the phone, they asked in unison, "What's wrong with Mommy?"

Philip shook his head faintly. “This is not about your mother. Someone claims to be Mrs. Harper. She’s waiting in front of the gate, urging the security guard to let her in.”

The twins widened their eyes.

“Is she crazy? Mrs. Harper is just Mommy. How dare she claim to be Daddy's wife?” Louis put his hands on his hips.

A small hiss escaped Philip’s lips. “Sorry, Young Master. You misunderstood. This person claims that she is your father's mother."

Emily's eyebrows pressed against her forehead. “Our grandmother?”

Philip shrugged briefly. “I have to check it out. Would you mind going to the greenhouse alone?”

“We have to see her too, Philip. This concerns the safety of our home and family.”


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