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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178 S2| My Number One
"What if you meet a woman prettier than me? Sexier? Smarter? More powerful? More everything?" Kara raised an eyebrow.

Frank shook his head firmly. "That's impossible, Kara. Even if there were, I would still consider her as lower than you. You are always my number one."

Without realizing it, Kara's lips trembled. Compassion had welled up in her chest. Before Frank caught it, she tightened her embrace again.

"Thanks, Frank," she whispered.

"I'm the one who should be thanking you."

Frank put his nose on Kara's shoulder, inhaling the scent he loved the most. In a blink of an eye, his blood rushed to his groin.

"Kara, how about we go to the bedroom now?"

Feeling something pressing against her, Kara sighed in disbelief. "You're lucky Louis is still playing in the back yard."

"Yeah, that's why we should hurry. Don't let anyone see and accuse me of needing to pee again."

Kara laughed even harder. Letting Frank take her hand, she ran along. She had forgotten about her mother-in-law who was secretly peeking from the balcony window.

"Let's see how long you guys can last." Melanie snorted in disgust. After the couple disappeared behind their bedroom door, she hurried down the stairs. The plan had to be changed. She just knew that Kara wouldn't give up Harper's name just by incitement.


"What?" Barbara's eyes widened when she heard Melanie's explanation. “I have to make a portfolio?”

"Yes, Dear. We have no other choice. Your brother might get suspicious if I kept pushing him into giving you a position.”

Barbara sighed in disbelief. “But, what should I write? I don't have any achievements. I even didn't finish my study. Moreover, work experience. I have never created a single design.”

Melanie pursed her lips. Not finding a solution, she patted Barbara on her shoulder. “Just write as best you can. Put a little lie if necessary, but don't be too obvious. You can do it. I entrust this important task to you. Now, there are other things that I have to take care of.”

Barbara stared dumbfounded at her mother walking towards the door. "Mom?"

However, Melanie still went out and closed the door. Barbara tried to catch up, but her mother had run as best she could towards the stairs. The girl could only grimace in annoyance.

“What should I write?” she muttered angrily.

At that moment, Nora appeared from the door at the end of the hall. Just as the girl passed in front of her, Barbara cleared her throat. “Hey, you!”

The servant startled. She checked around. There was no one other than Barbara and herself.

“Do you call me, Miss?”

“Yeah, who else? Come here!”

While Barbara went in to get something, Nora waited at the door. Cold sweat began to bead on the back of her neck.

“Make me a portfolio!” Barbara handed Nora the laptop.

“Portfolio?” The young servant's eyes widened. “What is a portfolio?”

Barbara blinked stiffly. "You didn’t know? What did you use to apply for a job here?"

Nora blinked innocently. "I just submitted my personal data and then took part in the interview," she answered slowly, afraid of making a mistake.

The corners of Barbara's lips twitched. “I thought the servants in this house were the chosen ones. It turns out, you guys are the same as the servants in general? Low-educated and brainless?”

Nora lowered her head. Her fingers were interlaced politely in front of her stomach. “Sorry, Miss. I'm not an educated person. But, if you need help, maybe you can meet Philip."


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