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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 197

S21 27. Rare Diamond 

Once again, Frank let out a long breath. “It’s up to you whether to take it or not. What’s certain is that I have expressed my true feelings.” 

Frank put the box on the table and went out. He would rather play with the twins than serve his mother’s selfishness. 

Meanwhile, Melanie looked at the box intently. “He really prepared it 

for me?” 

After furrowing her brows for a moment, she opened it. When she found an orange diamond which was also rare, she gasped. Her eyes sparkled as brightly as the light reflected on the jewelry. 

“Wow…!” Her mouth could no longer close tightly, filled with 

admiration and pride. 

Wasting no time, Melanie took the necklace and put it on in front of the mirror. Her smile was never wider than it was reflected there. 

“This suits me perfectly!” 

She touched the necklace then spun around. The more sparkles appeared, the more often laughter escaped her lips. 

“I’m very lucky to have a son as rich as Frank. Otherwise, how could I have gotten a diamond this beautiful?” 

After a moment of admiring her own reflection, Melanie’s lips turned flat. Her eyes dimmed again. 

“If only he wasn’t close to those people, I could have gotten more than this. That green diamond would have fallen into my hands too.” 

Arrogantly, Melanie reached for the empty box on the table. While running her fingers there, she smiled slyly. 

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“But this is Frank’s first gift to me. After this, there will definitely be many more. The second, the third, and the hundredth gifts. The price can’t be just a few digits.” 

While imagining what she could have, Melanie went to Barbara’s room. What she had just received was too precious not to show off. 

“My Dear….” Melanie barged in and made a slow turn. Barbara was amazed to see her mother’s billowing dress. 

“What is it, Mom? Have you finished talking to your son?” she asked before looking back at the phone in her hand. 

Melanie smiled wider. She sat next to Barbara, her hand on her chest, just under her new necklace. “Yes, and my effort has paid off again.” 

Barbara raised an eyebrow and glanced. As soon as she saw the orange gem of her mother’s necklace, she gasped. Her phone was. immediately put to the side. 

“Oh, wow! You got one too? Is it worth millions of dollars?” 

Melanie quirked an eyebrow and gave a small nod. “Of course. Your brother doesn’t like cheap things. Moreover, this is his first gift for 

  1. He must have prepared the most expensive one.” 

“This is more expensive than that green diamond?” Barbara opened 

her eyes wider. 

Melanie’s face stiffened. However, after one quick sigh, she faked a laugh. “Of course. Orange diamonds are harder to find.” 

Giggling in amazement, Barbara examined the turtle-shaped necklace. “Mommy, can I borrow this necklace? I haven’t shown 

anything new on my social media for a long time.” 

Melanie raised an eyebrow. “How long has it been since you showed something off?” Her tone was serious. 


Barbara blinked. “Since Daddy doesn’t give me money anymore?” 

Melanie sighed in disbelief. “It’s been a long time, Darling. Here… borrow it. Don’t let your friends laugh at you because you haven’t shown anything new. You shouldn’t be become a topic of such a gossip.” 

Melanie took off the necklace and put it in Barbara’s hand. The pink- 

haired girl immediately smiled brightly. 

“Thank you, Mom. They did nag me why I haven’t been heard lately. They think that our lives are now miserable.” 

Melanie snorted quickly. “They’re so insolent! Don’t they know who your brother is? Even if all their wealth were piled up, it wouldn’t be able to compete with your brother’s wealth!” 

Barbara’s lips pursed. In her heart, she doubted she could boast 

about that. 

Suddenly, Melanie patted Barbara on the arm. “Come on, Dear. 

Quickly put a photo of this diamond on your social media! If necessary, do a live broadcast. Prove that you are indeed holding a rare diamond. Make your friends swallow hard.” 

Barbara raised the corner of her lips. “Okay.” 

She hooked the necklace behind her neck. Then, using the front camera of the phone, she checked. “How do I look, Mom?” 

“Perfect.” Melanie patted Barbara’s cheek. “No one can beat your 

beauty, Darling.” 

Barbara’s smile turned genuine. After Melanie left her room, she started a live broadcast. In just a few seconds, several people were already watching. 

“Hello, Girls! Sorry I haven’t greeted you in a long time. I’ve been busy 

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lately.” Barbara smiled at the camera. Her hand was placed in front of her chest, covering her necklace. 

Several people immediately posted the same comment. “What are you busy with?” 

Barbara smiled faintly. “I now live at my brother’s house. He entrusted his house to me. So, I have a lot of things to take care of.” 

“Are you now a household assistant?” A viewer joked accompanied by a laughing emoticon. 

“Look at the room! It looks like a maid’s room!” Another replied with laughing emoticons. 

Barbara almost turned sullen. “You don’t know how important this 

work is? Listen! This house is different from the houses of rich people in general. Its size alone is equivalent to ten football fields.” 

Several people asked in unison, “Really?” 

Barbara twitched an eyebrow. “Otherwise, how could there be two 

swimming pools, a gym, salon and spa, even a greenhouse 


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