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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 20

  1. A Test from Mister Harper

“Unfortunately, other children can also tell stories. Isn’t there something more special that you can show?” Rowan Harper raised an


“Louis is good at counting.”

“No, you’re the smarter one, Emily.”

Before the twins argued, Rowan tested them with simple mathematical operations. Amazingly, the twins always answered quickly and precisely. Then, he tested their numeracy skills with more complicated cases. Again, the questions given seemed easy for them.

“Last question. One of our subsidiaries plans to add computers. The research department needs 8, IT needs 5, marketing needs 3, and administration needs 2. But, the available budget is only enough to buy 16 high-end computers of the same type. What should we do?”

Louis and Emily looked at each other. They didn’t expect to encounter such a problem.

“The total required is 18.”

“That’s right, 2 units more than budgeted.”

Rowan Harper secretly smiled proudly. Such a small kids could already discuss things beyond their age? Truly extraordinary!

“Sir, may we ask you something?” Emily looked up. “Why do marketing and administration departments need additional computers?”

“The marketing department needs to conduct market research and process data, while administration needs to manage documents.”

ley don’t have to use high-

specifation computers for those light tasks, unlike research and IT departments.”

Emily elbowed Louis in the arm. “Specification, Louis, not specifation.”

“Yes, that’s what I mean.”

Rowan Harper’s laughter suddenly filled the air. In his entire life, it was the first time he had encountered such amazing children.

“Great! Very great! It would be an honor for our company to be able to pay for the schooling of children as genius as you two.”

“So, can we take part in the selection?” Louis asked enthusiastically.

“What is the selection for? We will immediately accept you two.” A second later, Rowan called the women near the door to come closer. After the official announcement, contact these children’s parents. Collect their documents. Don’t forget to invite them as special guests at the inauguration event.”

Knowing their success, Louis and Emily laughed out loud. They

jumped up and down before running around Rowan Harper and the female employees.

“Buzz buzz buzz, the worker bees managed to get the nectar.”

“Buzz buzz buzz, the queen bee will definitely be very happy.”

Watching the twins’ behavior, Rowan sighed lightly. He understood. Even though Louis and Emily were geniuses, they were still children.

‘If Frank hadn’t put off getting married, I would have had great- grandchildren at their age.’

“Sir, the jury is waiting for your presence,” one of the female

employees said after receiving a message from a small device in her


Rowan snapped out of his reverie. Instead of taking a step, he straightened up his finger.

“Convey that I trust their judgment. I have more important thing to do


Then, with a firm expression, Rowan turned to a burly man behind his


“Sean, let’s meet Frank. That boy must be urged. He won’t be able to give me offspring if he only thinks about the company and his ego.”


Frank again found himself lost in thought looking at the secretary’s

desk. There was no one there. Neither Vivian nor the HR team knew


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