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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 23

  1. Sincere Concern

“Wait. You haven’t explained why you helped me? I know you hate me. Why don’t you just let me die?” Frank inquired in a small voice.

Kara was silent for a moment. The, little by little, her lips curved sadly.

“I was once abandoned when I fell into a very deep abyss. No one wanted to give me a rope. I was forced to endure darkness and fear alone, until I finally crawled out of there myself.”

Frank swallowed hard. His throat suddenly became dry and his chest. became tight. It was as if he could see Kara’s wounds through those dim eyes. Occasionally, he felt that there was hatred in it.

“Therefore, please don’t accuse me of all kinds of things. I will not ask for payment. I just don’t want anyone else to feel the same misery. It is very painful.”

Averting her gaze, Kara hugged herself. She was afraid that her voice would become hoarse if she said more.

“Now excuse me. I have other business.”


Kara’s steps stopped again. However, she didn’t turn around. She worried that Frank would catch her anxiety through her face.

“Show me what you take away. I have to make sure that you don’t secretly steal important documents.”

Kara snorted in disbelief. The corners of her lips twitched in disgust. She turned around with a cynical look. “Instead of sorry or thank you, you are making accusations?”

Frank shrugged lightly. “Sorry is only said by selfish people. They use


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more benefits from the recipient of the apology. Meanwhile, thank you….”

Frank stepped forward and stopped when his nose caught the citrus scent of Kara’s body.

“Those two words are just cans without contents if they are not accompanied by actions. I don’t want that rubbish coming out of my mouth.”

“Then, your accusation just now wasn’t rubbish?”

Frank smiled crookedly. “If the accusation is not true, why do you make a fuss about it? Just show me the proof that you are innocent.”

Kara rolled her eyes. She would never win over people who always felt right. With a bent face, Kara showed the contents of her tote bag. There were only a few books, a drinking bottle, and lunch boxes there.

“What about that bag?” Frank pointed at the one that had accompanied Kara all day.

While grumbling inwardly, Kara showed the contents. An old- fashioned laptop, some newspapers, notebooks, and persona documents-that’s what caught Frank’s attention.

“Has your job application been accepted?”

Kara rolled her eyes again and closed the bag. “That’s none of your business. Now excuse me. My time is limited.”

“You can work here again if you want.”

Kara spontaneously slowed down. Her brows furrowed to guess what was in the CEO’s brain. When her feet stopped, she looked over her shoulder. “What do you mean?”

Frank shoved his hands in his pockets and walked over to Kara. “You

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and Jeremy. Because of that, I sent everyone away and chose to handle it alone.”

“Why are you keeping it a secret? Isn’t that actually dangerous?”

Frank smiled bitterly. “When I was 8 years old, I accidentally revealed my weakness in a restaurant. One of the servants there leaked the information to the enemy. They used it to kill my father.”

Kara’s breath hitched. Her eyes widened at the man who was standing right in front of her.

“Do you know what my grandfather did then?” Taking a deep breath, Frank leaned closer to Kara’s ear. “They were exterminated like little. flies. All of them. The enemy and the employees in the restaurant.”

Kara’s nerves immediately tensed. She didn’t dare move. Even when Frank had taken one step back from her, she still stood like a statue, with her eyebrows challenging the sky.

“What do you mean? I don’t understand,” Kara asked in a small voice. She tried to shake her head, but her neck muscles were too stiff.

“No outsider may know the weaknesses of our family, Kara Martin. If there is, you can guess for what happened to him or her. Buried with. secrets they weren’t supposed to know.”

Kara swallowed hard. The smell of death grew sharper in her nose.

“B-but, I saved you. If I intended to harm you, could you still breathe? Besides, I promised not to tell anyone about this.”


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