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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father novel Chapter 29

  1. Bed Service

“It’s like you haven’t known me long, Ben. I’m not a person who gives up easily. I will never stop fighting for what I want.” Frank raised an eyebrow.

Ben started nodding. “Okay, I will be a loyal audience. I also want to learn how to make my parents willing to accept the girl of my choice. later.”

“A Ben Wilson wants to pick a girl?” Frank quipped with narrowed.


“What’s wrong with it? I’m a jerk because I haven’t met the right girl. If I have attached my heart, I will definitely be loyal and fight for love. can’t change girlfriends forever, Frank. There must be one woman who will accompany my life.”

Frank laughed, shaking his head in amusement. “It sounds

impossible, but it’s okay…. I will also be a loyal audience. I wonder what kind of woman could conquer a playboy like you.”

“More or less like Kara. I like a beautiful woman who is also warm and intelligent. She will be great at educating children, helping me with the company, and also… spoiling me in bed.”

Frank’s breath rumbled again. His fingers had curled into a fist under his chin. “How about we start having lunch and talk about

cooperation projects? Talking about women will never end.”


Frank secretly hoped that Ben would leave before Kara returned. Unfortunately, as Ben was about to leave the door, Kara came carrying plastic bag.

“You must really like chocolate to buy that much, Miss Martin?” Ben said after closing the door.

Seeing the eyes that implied something, Kara smiled. “Yeah, really like. it. In the past, I could only afford chocolate once a month. I feel very guilty to myself. But after working for a company this big, I can buy it


more often.”

“You must be happy now.”

“Yes,” Kara nodded without thinking. “There is no need for worry or disappointment anymore.”

“I am happy for your achievement. Now that visiting time is over, I have to go. Send my regards to your mother.”

Ben emphasized the word “mother”, making Kara sigh with a smile. “I will.”

Witnessing Ben and Kara’s closeness, Frank snorted from behind the glass.

“Why is she smiling that widely? Does she think she’s pretty with

those teeth? You look scary, Kara!” he grumbled with bulging eyes.

Realizing the jealousy that was boiling his blood, the frown on Frank’s face slowly faded.


‘Wait. Why am I this angry? That girl is just my secretary and servant. She even has a boyfriend. Why am I reacting like this?’

Shaking his head, Frank returned to his chair. He would rather go

back to work than keep thinking about the girl who made his heart on


After work, Kara followed Frank to his mansion. As they arrived, she prepared water for the CEO to bathe. That’s her job now.


After Frank finished showering, Kara’s job was to dry his hair. She seemed to have three children now. The one in front of her was the

most troublesome.

“Wipe properly!”

“You missed this part!”

“Don’t be too hard!”

Kara could only sigh.

Since this afternoon, Frank suddenly became fussier. In fact, Louis and Emily were never that noisy and spoiled.


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